theorem_proving_in_lean4 copied to clipboard
Needs an implicit parameter
The next few lines show that there should be an implicit parameter
Why? The parameter is inserted automatically. And I'm not sure why the "next few lines" are supposed to show me.
I am sorry for using the confusing phrase "next few lines".
As a newbie, when I was learning Lean4, I wrote code at random and wrote something like this:
universe u
variable (α : Type u)
namespace Hidden
inductive List (α : Type u) where
| nil : List α
| cons : α → List α → List α
namespace List
-- def append (as bs : List α) : List α :=
def append {α : Type u} (as bs : List α) : List α :=
match as with
| nil => bs
| cons a as => cons a (append as bs)
theorem nil_append (as : List α) : append nil as = as :=
end List
end Hidden
At this point, the parameter is not automatically inserted. It's a surprise to me. So I think it's better to write this code "explicitly" for newbie's learning.