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A clean and lightweight progress HUD for flutter app.


pub version

A clean and lightweight progress HUD for flutter app, based on SVProgressHUD.

The plugin supports almost all of SVProgressHUD APIs, for Android we have almost replicated SVProgressHUD effects (View code).

  • Quick Start
    • Installation
    • Usage
      • Showing the HUD
      • Dismissing the HUD
    • Customization
  • Related Links
  • License


Quick Start


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_svprogresshud: ^1.0.1

You can install packages from the command line:

$ flutter pub get


(see demo in /example)

SVProgressHUD is created as a singleton (i.e. it doesn't need to be explicitly allocated and instantiated; you directly call SVProgressHUD.method()).

Use SVProgressHUD wisely! Only use it if you absolutely need to perform a task before taking the user forward. Bad use case examples: pull to refresh, infinite scrolling, sending message.

Using SVProgressHUD in your app will usually look as simple as this:

Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3)).then((value) {

Showing the HUD

You can show the status of indeterminate tasks using one of the following:

SVProgressHUD.show(status: 'Doing Stuff');

If you'd like the HUD to reflect the progress of a task, use one of these:

SVProgressHUD.showProgress(0.91, status: 'Loading...');

Dismissing the HUD

The HUD can be dismissed using:

SVProgressHUD.dismiss(delay: Duration(milliseconds: 2000));

If you'd like to stack HUDs, you can balance out every show call using:

+ (void)popActivity;

The HUD will get dismissed once the popActivity calls will match the number of show calls.

Or show a confirmation glyph before before getting dismissed a little bit later. The display time depends on minimumDismissTimeInterval and the length of the given string.

SVProgressHUD.showInfo(status: 'Useful Information.');
SVProgressHUD.showSuccess(status: 'Great Success!');
SVProgressHUD.showError(status: 'Failed with Error');


SVProgressHUD can be customized via the following methods:

void setDefaultStyle(SVProgressHUDStyle style);                 // default is SVProgressHUDStyle.Light
void setDefaultMaskType(SVProgressHUDMaskType maskType);        // default is SVProgressHUDMaskType.None
void setDefaultAnimationType(SVProgressHUDAnimationType type);  // default is SVProgressHUDAnimationType.Flat
void setMinimumSize(Size minimumSize);                          // default is Size.zero, can be used to avoid resizing
void setRingThickness(num width);                               // default is 2 pt
void setRingRadiu(num radius);                                  // default is 18 pt
void setRingNoTextRadius(num radius);                           // default is 24 pt
void setCornerRadius(num cornerRadius);                         // default is 14 pt
void setBorderColor(Color color);                               // default is null
void setBorderWidth(num width);                                 // default is 0
void setForegroundColor(Color color);                           // default is Colors.black, only used for SVProgressHUDStyle.Custom
// void setForegroundImageColor(Color color);                      // default is the same as foregroundColor
void setBackgroundColor(Color color);                           // default is Colors.white, only used for SVProgressHUDStyle.Custom
void setBackgroundLayerColor(Color color);                      // default is [Color colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0.4], only used for SVProgressHUDMaskType.Custom
void setImageViewSize(Size size);                               // default is 28x28 pt
// void setShouldTintImages(bool shouldTintImages);                // default is true
// void setInfoImage(UIImage image);                               // default is the bundled info image provided by Freepik
// void setSuccessImage(UIImage image);                            // default is bundled success image from Freepik
// void setErrorImage(UIImage image);                              // default is bundled error image from Freepik
// void setGraceTimeInterval(num interval);                        // default is 0 seconds
void setMinimumDismissTimeInterval(num interval);               // default is 5.0 seconds
// void setMaximumDismissTimeInterval(num interval);               // default is CGFLOAT_MAX
void setFadeInAnimationDuration(num duration);                  // default is 0.15 seconds
void setFadeOutAnimationDuration(num duration);                 // default is 0.15 seconds
void setHapticsEnabled(bool hapticsEnabled);                    // default is false

Related Links

  • https://github.com/SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD
