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Unit Tests Memory Leaks in Swift. Write readable tests for mem leaks easily with these Quick and Nimble extensions.
Create Unit Tests for Memory Leaks in Swift.
- SpecLeaks allows you to create tests using Quick and Nimble.
- Write readable tests for mem leaks easily with these Quick and Nimble extensions.
Quick and Nimble is a Unit Testing framework that allows you to write tests in a more humanly readable fashion.
What can you Test?
- Test if an object is leaking when it is initialized.
- Test if a ViewController is leaking when its view is loaded.
- Test if a particular method is leaking
Compatibility Notes:
Release Version: 0.1.8
- Language version: Swift 5.0
- iOS Deployment Target: 10.0
- Travis CI running XCode version: 10.2
Cocoapods Installation
SpecLeaks is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SpecLeaks'
Example Cocoapods Project
The example project contains a few Unit Tests that will let you understand how to use SpecLeaks.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Command+U to run the sample tests.
Carthage Installation
Follow this guideline and to your Cartfile:
github "leandromperez/specleaks"
Note: don't forget to modify the framework search path from your testing target to include the folder that contains the compiled .framework files
Swift Package Manager Installation
In Xcode choose File | Swift Packages | Add package dependency and enter https://github.com/leandromperez/specleaks.
Example Carthage Project
There is a folder in the repo Carthage-Example that contains a project called Carthage-Tests configured to use Carthage.
- Notice the following config entry in Build Settings: FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = $(SRCROOT)/** $(SRCROOT)/../**
How to Write Tests
- Create a Spec
- Define a
block - Create a
passing a block that returns the object you want to test - Write your expectations using
Memory Leaks in initialization of plain Objects
class SomeObject {}
class SomeOjectTests: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("SomeObject") {
describe("init") {
it("must not leak"){
let someObject = LeakTest{
return SomeObject()
Memory Leaks in viewDidLoad or init of a a UIViewController
class SomeViewController : UIViewController {}
class SomeViewControllerTests: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("viewDidLoad") {
let vc = LeakTest{
return SomeViewController()
it("must not leak"){
Memory Leaks when an action is called
class SomeObject{
func doSomething(){
class SomeOjectTests: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("SomeObject") {
describe("doSomething") {
it("must not leak"){
let someObject = LeakTest{
return SomeObject()
let doSomethingIsCalled : (SomeObject) -> () = {obj in
SpecLeaks is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.