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the world's most advanced static analyzer for Python
PySonar2 - an advanced static analyzer for Python
To understand it, please refer to my blog post:
How to build
PySonar 1.0 was part of Jython, and PySonar2 still depend on Jython's parser (the situation may change soon). So you need to download Jython's source code and compile PySonar2 with it.
Download Jython
hg clone
Checkout this repo, replace everything inside src/org/python/indexer (which is PySonar 1.0) with the content of this repo
Delete the tests for the old indexer
rm -rf tests/java/org/python/indexer
Build Jython
ant jar-complete
Finished. PySonar2 is now inside dist/jython.jar.
How to run?
PySonar2 is mainly designed as a library for Python IDEs and other tools, but for your understanding of the library's usage, a demo program is built (most credits go to Steve Yegge). To run it, use the following command line:
java -classpath dist/jython.jar org.python.indexer.demos.HtmlDemo /usr/lib/python2.7 /usr/lib/python2.7
You should find some interactive HTML files inside the html directory generated after this process.
Note: PySonar2 doesn't need much memory to do analysis (1GB is probably enough), but for generating the HTML files, you may need a lot of memory (~4GB for Python 2.5 standard lib). This is due to the highlighting I added without using more sophisticated ways of doing it. The situation may change soon.