Hi @adityamandhare Thank you for reporting the problem. I have successfully reproduced the problem. I will try to fix it. Sorry for your inconvenience.
Hello @adityamandhare I labeled this issue as a bug, but I changed my mind after further consideration. `additionalProperties` is one of *applicator* keywords that apply subschemas but assert nothing on...
Hello @chadlankford. Thank you for using this small library. I am happy to hear you are in the right way. Please see also Schema Resolver in [Justify Examples](https://github.com/leadpony/justify-examples). Thank you.
Do you mean you would like to merge the referencing schema and the referenced schemas into a large one schema and output it to a file ? No, currently there...
Here is a referencing schema. ```json { "$id": "https://example.org/a.schema.json", "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "$ref": "b.schema.json" } } } ``` And this is the second schema referenced from the...
Thank you @chadlankford. Now I go it. Please see the issue #5 because it is related to your second request.
Hello @rconnacher Thank you for contacting me. Strictly not for remote schemas, but have you seen the [code sample](https://github.com/leadpony/justify-examples/tree/master/justify-examples-schemaresolver) ? Another code available [here](https://github.com/leadpony/json-schema-conformance-test/blob/master/jsct-justify/src/test/java/org/leadpony/jsonschema/test/justify/AbstractConformanceTest.java) also does connecting to the schemas...
Hello @rconnacher and @chadlankford Thank you many. @rconnacher, the method `JsonResolutionTest.resolveSchema()` in the code above seems to return an instance of `JsonSchemaResolver` instread of `JsonSchema`. Is this the correct example?
Hello @rconnacher JsonParser in the JSON Processing API created with a single parameter of InputStream will automatically detect the character encoding of the given stream from UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32...
@hathiphant Sorry for delayed response. Your report is nice and helpful. I reproduced the problem. Please wait for further investigation.