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A NetBeans plugin for browsing MongoDB
As I know this feature from MS SQL Management Studio and IntelliJs DataGrip, if the connection to a database server was successful, you can choose a database from the field....
As for SQL Databases or Server, NetBeans has this little button called "Check connection" to check whether everything is ok or not. Please add this button with same functionality to...
When the new data type org.bson.types.Decimal128 is used anywhere in a collection NBMongo is unable to display that collection and instead throws this exception: org.bson.BsonSerializationException: Expecting a valid BSON type...
I.e. with the below content the flat table view doesn't show the rows: /* 0 */ { "_id" : ObjectId("5825cbd45cd6964d4d66c600"), "className" : "models.News", "title" : "the title", "content" : "the...
From plugin portal comment by _complier_ : >The same way as there is the delete document button, please add Delete All Documents button, which would delete current result set. Thanks.
From plugin portal comment by _complier_ : > would you please make the document editor window to take at least 70% of the screen? Or store the size and position...
For example, if I have a collection with a field named "type" I want to be able to click on "type" at the top of the flat table display and...
The _nbmongo_ project is really good. NetBeans is also good, but as far as I can tell, people using other IDE's are having hard time installing NetBeans even if it's...
~~When using the flat table while browsing collection with fields limited by "projection", it would be nice if the table would not display (blank) columns of other fields.~~ One more...