@Rishi-Chandr I also encountered this problem, I don’t know if you have solved it, please help
I cannot download the pre-training weights now, can you share a copy with me. thank you very much. [email protected] @lx-onism @jinhuan-hit
I understood, thank you. I will try again
The renderContext I print is not undefined 。 this code ` var renderContext = require("webgl-video-renderer").setupCanvas(canvas);` Can not get it。 I have executed build_nwjs.cmd and have succeeded。I do not know why....
`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'render' of undefined` in js debug console of nw0.12.3 . and 'VoutDisplayEvent 'window state' 0 index.html:12 reusing provided vout index.html:12 plane 0 not aligned: disabling...
I have built two versions of 0.12.3 and 0.16.0 respectively. And player has been created successfully。 `var player = require("webchimera.js").createPlayer();` is ok。 ` var gl = canvas.getContext( "webgl", { preserveDrawingBuffer:...
How should I make it work, Can you give me some advice waiting for you free time? Thank you。My hardware is win7 64 bit。thank you
I installed a computer graphics card and then solve this problem. thank you for your help
`wcjs-player` is it possible to pass subtitles pass vlc,the method used vlc resolution subtitles. like `var player=[{ url:"file:///D:/1.mp4", vlcArgs:":sub-file=D:/2.ass" }]`
Play local video, there is a subtitle with the same name as the video and subtitle files and video files in the same directory, vlc can automatically load ass file