go-aggregate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
go-aggregate copied to clipboard

aggregate prefix to shorter list


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What is this

This is the go implementation of the original aggregate from @horms on linux back in 2002, but more generic, you can implement the interface and make it very flexible

Basic Example

package main

import (
	agg "github.com/ldkingvivi/go-aggregate"

func main() {

	// example use NewBasicCidrEntry for basic aggregate
	_, aNet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	a := agg.NewBasicCidrEntry(aNet)

	_, bNet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	b := agg.NewBasicCidrEntry(bNet)

	_, cNet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	c := agg.NewBasicCidrEntry(cNet)

	// empty merge func will do the basic merge
	result := agg.Aggregate([]agg.CidrEntry{a, b, c}, func(_, _ agg.CidrEntry) {})
	for _, cidr := range result {
		log.Printf("%s", cidr.GetNetwork())
		//2020/03/29 22:02:12
		//2020/03/29 22:02:12

Custom Struct Example

package main

import (
	agg "github.com/ldkingvivi/go-aggregate"

type customCidrEntry struct {
	ipNet *net.IPNet
	count int
	note  string

func (c *customCidrEntry) GetNetwork() *net.IPNet {
	return c.ipNet

func (c *customCidrEntry) SetNetwork(ipNet *net.IPNet) {
	c.ipNet = ipNet

func NewCustomCidrEntry(ipNet *net.IPNet, count int, note string) agg.CidrEntry {
	return &customCidrEntry{
		ipNet: ipNet,
		count: count,
		note:  note,

func main() {
	// example use custom interface with client's own merge logic
	_, xNet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	_, yNet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")

	x := NewCustomCidrEntry(xNet, 10, "US")
	y := NewCustomCidrEntry(yNet, 20, "US")

	// add CIDR's count when merged
	result := agg.Aggregate([]agg.CidrEntry{x, y}, func(keep, delete agg.CidrEntry) {
		specificKeep, _ := keep.(*customCidrEntry)
		specificDelete, _ := delete.(*customCidrEntry)
		specificKeep.count += specificDelete.count

	for _, cidr := range result {
		custom, ok := cidr.(*customCidrEntry)
		if ok {
			log.Printf("%s count : %d with note: %s",
				custom.GetNetwork(), custom.count, custom.note)
			//2020/03/29 22:25:10 count : 30 with note: US

BenchMark with following string

    input := []string{
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"2001:db8::/64", "2001:db8:0:2::/64", "2001:db8:0:3::/64", "2001:db8:0:1::/64",
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"2001:db8:0:4::/64", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
		"", "", "", "",
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/ldkingvivi/go-aggregate
BenchmarkAggregateMergeAddCount-12        	   65290	     17640 ns/op	   18056 B/op	     204 allocs/op
BenchmarkAggregateMergeUseDeletNote-12    	   66913	     17600 ns/op	   18056 B/op	     204 allocs/op
BenchmarkAggregateMergeDoNothing-12       	   67716	     17702 ns/op	   18056 B/op	     204 allocs/op