Leo D'Arcy
Leo D'Arcy
I'm not sure how practical it is to do it automatically in bicep but it is possible to get around these issues. When its just a property you can do...
Thanks for the update (and predicted timeline), I will also be extremely happy when this is fixed 😄
Resource type "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults@2019-06-01" does not have types available. Resource type "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupstorageconfig@2019-05-13" does not have types available. Ideally 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupPolicies@2019-06-15' property Timezone should auto complete valid timezones Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts@2015-10-31 is missing location as...
Yep, once the module has been renamed I'll submit an initial PR. I'm expecting a number of improvements will be required to bring it up to fully HQRM compliant but...
I'm still up for merging LangaugeDSC into ComputerManagement, that last time we spoke about it, ComputerManagement was close to changing its name so I was waiting for the name change...
Whoops, I missed that one :blush: I'll do a review of the HQRM guidelines tomorrow and raise a PR to start the merge process
Thanks for the prompt response @vcsjones thats exactly what I was looking for, I don't suppose there is an ETA for a new release is there?
Is there any update of this? When using version 2.2.1 and 1.4.4 and the device authentication method the modules can't be found or installed. When using 2.1.5 and 1.4.2 it...
Having Storage Explorer in the Windows Store for business would be really good as it would enable automatic updates and enables easy deployment
Apologies, I realized that was was using the builtin Group Resource and not the version from this page, I have since updated but unfortunately continue to get a failure. I...