Leonardo Collado-Torres
Leonardo Collado-Torres
Translate to Spanish the short workshop #51 and other intro level materials to help increase access to these technologies to Spanish-speaking individuals. This will help increase diversity of our user...
Similar to https://github.com/LieberInstitute/spatialLIBD/issues/68 Develop a long format workshop to teach in 2 days (max 3) the basics of R/Bioconductor package development. This course would explain how to use https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/reference/use_bioc_pkg_templates.html, go...
The 4 `/dev` scripts generated by https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/reference/use_bioc_pkg_templates.html currently only have comments in English. It should be feasible using templates to add multilingual support for these scripts. We will first focus...
We want to implement a cron job as suggested at https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/issues/1856#issuecomment-1581141589 for testing `biocthis` against the development version of `usethis`, thus facilitating the detection of issues before most users experience...
We will follow the recommendations from https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/issues/1856 and implement unit tests specific to `biocthis` for all functions including those that emulate the functionality from `usethis` but for Bioconductor-friendly templates.
We want to use `rlang` and `cli` to improve the user experience. See https://lcolladotor.github.io/jhustatcomputing2023/posts/18-debugging-r-code/#errors-%C3%A0-la-tidyverse for a quick intro into how these functions improve error messages.
Several functions in `biocthis` are sparsely documented and refer users to documentation from other packages such as `usethis`. This is also noticeable on the main user guide at https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/articles/biocthis.html. We...
While the scripts in `/dev` are useful for people interested in making a new package, the code comments are not the most comprehensive. To compliment these scripts, we plan to...
Hi, Currently all snaptron-related tests at `recount` are failing. That is, https://github.com/leekgroup/recount/blob/7301c5fc09c968110d50617eef43a635b03fd4a2/tests/testthat/test-data.R#L176-L201. Here's part of the output. ```R master* > snap snap_v2 snap_gtex snap_tcga expect_equal(length(snap), 3) Error: length(snap) not equal...
Hi, We noticed an issue between reading the `raw` and `filtered` outputs from SpaceRanger that I'm not sure whether `read10xVisium()` could address or not. I incorrectly thought that the only...