Analyze results: GCodeVisual.m-> line 291 and line 298 ``` Instance variable access (via 'pt') results in a null pointer dereference ``` preferences.m -> line 93 ``` Potential leak of an...
Concerning the 3rd Analyze error above: I added following line after line 91 in Preferences.m: ``` [g release]; ``` Is this correct?
Thank you! It would be helpful if you could update the git source. This way I'll be able to pull the last changes.
Thanks! I'm running Repetier-Host in debug mode. So far no more crashes!
I've just installed Xcode 4.4. error "deltae = pt->e - laste;" is now ok There is a new one in CGodeVisual.m (line 983) , I moved the if-statement down just...
I learnt in the past that removing such errors may help building stable apps. Isn't my hobby :-)