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the design pattern of OverDom, semi-auto AI in the Screeps

OverDom Empire

适用于游戏《screeps》的半自动 ai。


This project is under developing. Large rework is in progress.

The purpose of this project is sharing my design pattern (in Chinese) and partial codes, which cannot run.

简介 Introduction

本项目是高度面向对象编程(OOP)并且任务驱动(Task-Driven)的,除了挂载在 global 对象上的全局通用函数和常量外,一切功能都由对象完成。对基本游戏对象(creep、link、lab、factory等)全都分别封装在管理对象中,任务或事件逻辑调用。
OverDom 帝国采取层次化管理,最高领导者即 OverDom , 下有各级 Officer, 下级对象保存在上级对象的成员变量中。游戏逻辑分为三层:战略逻辑、战术逻辑、基本动作,每层由不同管理者执行,上层功能拆分成下层子任务来完成。

OverDom is a fully Object-Oriented programed and Task-Driven AI of screeps.

教程 Guide

目录 (知乎)

交互 Interactivation

设计 Design Pattern

代码 Scripts Sample