> > > Hi @sergelouie6, I can help you with some information regarding the the questions you have. > > > > > > 1. Regarding the Wiki information >...
> @sergelouie6 proton is Wine ;) And Wine have also no consoleoutput. ohh, using wineconsole does not have console output?
> > > @sergelouie6 proton is Wine ;) And Wine have also no consoleoutput. > > > > > > ohh, using wineconsole does not have console output? > >...
Sample log lines of player connected without steam ids. Explains why both of us lost admin perms this day ``` [2024.02.16-06.28.21:920][471]LogSquad: PostLogin: NewPlayer: BP_PlayerController_C /Game/Maps/Sumari/Gameplay_Layers/Sumari_AAS_v3.Sumari_AAS_v3:PersistentLevel.BP_PlayerController_C_2147481999 (IP: | Online IDs:...
May I ask what specific improvement does this have with the log parser?