ncaahoopR_data copied to clipboard
Data pulled from ncaahoopR
Data pulled from ncaahoopR
Schedules, Rosters, Box Scores, and Play by Play logs already scraped from ncaahoopR package.
Schedules and Rosters are in of the form of season/schedule/team_schedue.csv and season/roster/team_roster.csv. Box Scores are in the form season/team/game_id.csv, which linkage avaialable to the correspoding team schedule for that season. PBP logs are in the form pbp_logs/date/game_id.csv. Each date folder contains a schedule listing games (with teams, scores, and game_id) on that date, and the file pbp_logs/schedule.csv aggregates these schedules to create a game lookup for all games this season.
load_data.R: Demonstrates an example how to read and merge files all at once.
analysis/ folder has some interesting data and scripts from analyzing this data, including a file of jump balls.
Running update.R gets the most up to date version of PBP, rosters, box scores, and schedules for the current season.