Remy Loubradou
Remy Loubradou
Hello @shiftyp, Firstly, I am really sorry I completely forgot/missed your pull request. Secondly, I would be really happy to merge your code and publish it in the next release....
Hi @shiftyp, What's up?
No worries, looking forward.
Hello @ColadaFF, Glad to hear that! It wouldl be nice to clean the issues by responding to people or by closing them if not relevant anymore. Also it would be...
Sure, maybe we should add v0.12 and remove v0.8.
Sure the roadmap was something along those lines: ## Roadmap ### v0.3.x - v0.x.x Test suite with mocha and chai instead of vows Implement all features available in Solr 4...
Thanks @luketaverne. Sure, you and @ColadaFF can collaborate to work this out. I'm gonna add as a contributor so you can close issues, merge pull requests, etc... if needed.
Hi @nicolasembleton, sure go head a Trello board can be a good idea. I'm going to add you as a contributor so you can work on this repo.
I suppose I can add you as a collaborator of the npm package so you can push the new version. I haven't followed the development during the last couple weeks,...