winston-cloudwatch copied to clipboard
Metadata not displayed in cloudwatch
I can't see the metada sent with wintson in Cloudwatch. This is my file config:
const winston = require("winston");
const WinstonCloudWatch = require("winston-cloudwatch");
const config = require("./config");
const myFormat = winston.format.printf(({
level, message, timestamp, ...metadata
}) => {
let msg = `${timestamp} [${level}] : ${message} `;
if (metadata) {
msg += JSON.stringify(metadata);
return msg;
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: config.env === "development" ? "debug" : "info",
format: winston.format.combine(
config.env === "development" ? winston.format.colorize() : winston.format.uncolorize(),
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
stderrLevels: ["error"],
new winston.transports.DailyRotateFile({
filename: "info-%DATE%.log",
dirname: "./logs",
datePattern: "YYYY-MM-DD",
zippedArchive: true,
maxSize: "20m",
maxFiles: "30d",
if (config.env === "production" || config.env === "development") {
const cloudwatchConfig = {
name: config.cloudwatch.logName,
logGroupName: config.cloudwatch.groupName,
logStreamName: config.cloudwatch.streamName,
awsAccessKeyId: config.cloudwatch.accessKey,
awsSecretKey: config.cloudwatch.secretAccessKey,
awsRegion: config.cloudwatch.region,
retentionInDays: config.cloudwatch.retentionInDays,
**messageFormatter: ({ level, message, additionalInfo }) =>
`[${level}] : ${message} \nAdditional Info: ${JSON.stringify(additionalInfo)}`,**
logger.add(new WinstonCloudWatch(cloudwatchConfig));
For example: logger.error("getCardStatus - This card is not shared", {cardId:1});
will only print on Cloudwatch: info - getCardStatus - This card is not shared.
Hi I am facing the same issue
`const logger = winston.createLogger({ transports: [ new CloudWatchTransport({ logGroupName: 'test-group', // REQUIRED logStreamName: ### 'tester-1', // REQUIRED createLogGroup: false, createLogStream: true, submissionInterval: 2000, submissionRetryCount: 1, batchSize: 20, awsConfig: { accessKeyId: CLOUDWATCH_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secretAccessKey: CLOUDWATCH_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, region: CLOUDWATCH_REGION }}) ] })${variable_name}
@edenmydev try this way. It worked for me.
It looks like the fix for this is to set jsonMessage
to true
or provide a custom messageFormatter
in the options. Otherwise, the transport will default to only sending the "message" and "timestamp" properties via the default messageFormatter as text: