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A web server written with Python

Graily Web Server

Graily is a no-blocking web server and micro web-framework written by Python. It's only support for Python3 and Linux platform.

  • Lightweight And Fast : It's has no dependencies other than the standard library. And it's fast.
  • Long-Polling : Graily can handle tens of thousands of connections for long polling.
  • WSGI Server Support : Graily has support for WSGI, so it can be used as a HTTP server for any other frameworks.
  • Concurrent : Graily can chose to use Concurrent class to handle those request which may blocking the main thread.

#####Here is a sample "Hello, world" example:

from graily import Graily, HTTPResponse

class MainHandler(HTTPResponse):
    def get(self):
        return "Hello, world"
server = Graily([
        (r'^/$', MainHandler),
server.server_bind(("", 8888))

#####Concurrent example:

from graily import Graily, HTTPResponse, Concurrent
import time

class MainHandler(HTTPResponse):
    def get(self):
        time.sleep(5)  # won't blocking the main Thread
        return "Hello, world"
server = Graily([
        (r'^/$', MainHandler),
server.server_bind(("", 8888))

#####WSGI server with Bottle Application example:

from bottle import route, default_app
from graily import make_server

def main():
    return 'hello from bottle.'

application = default_app()
server = make_server(('', 8888), application)

You can find more examples (concurrent, template) in examples.