Results 56 issues of Emilia

When setting a preferred drink, there's a "no beverage" button at the bottom that crashes the app. This is a vestige from a former incarnation of the preferences feature and...

Thinking about how to use Cortado to automatically track coffee brewed at home/work is tricky. Eventually, I'd like a fancy ML (or just basic statistical-analysis) thing that says e.g. "when...

When commits hit main, we run the `gdformat` tool, autoformat them, and commit those changes. This kinda sucks for a number of reasons. However, it accomplishes the thing we care...

Step one would be buying a custom domain for the main project, step two would be trying to wire up that domain for beta builds.

Initially, adding PlayFab will just get us basic analytics. Eventually, it can serve the base for features like leaderboards and letting people rate games. To think about: - Whether we...