protonPreloader copied to clipboard
stuck on black window with "Press any key to continue..."
I assume this is because off the "pause" in config.bat. When I press any key, it just reloads the black window and FlawlessWidescreen. If I remove "pause", it just continuously restarts FlawlessWidescreen
Same. Have you found a solution to this issue?
It sounds like the code that runs after you press any key runs RenameThisFile.exe (or renamed variation of) rather than the game file?
Your game folder initially has some game exe, such as DarkSoulsII.exe, which you should rename to game.exe. Then you put in RenameThisFile.exe and rename it to DarkSoulsII.exe.
That means when you run a game with the play button on steam it will first run DarkSoulsII.exe, which is renamed RenameThisFile.exe, which runs flawless widescreen and once you press any button its meant to run game.exe, which is the actual original game file DarkSoulsII.exe.
Its a bit confusing to explain with all the renaming, let me know if it's not clear.
Unfortunately the feedback here did not help, but luckily i don't mind dabbling so for anyone else having this specific issue, here is how i got mine working for the game Dishonored. so worth a try changing names as required based on the game you are trying to get working and where it's installed too.
-Starting fresh, so Dishonored.exe is still it's ORIGINAL state as downloaded from Steam, renamed Dishonored.exe to DishonoredGame.exe and left it in the same directory. If you try running the game through steam now it will give an error, which is good.
-Run through the instructions to install ProtonPreloader (I am repeating these instructions below), copying the 'RenameThisFile.exe' into the same folder that you found Dishonored.exe in. Rename 'RenameThisFile.exe' to 'Dishonored.exe' so that it is treated as the executable by steam when running the game.
-If you want Flawless Widescreen working, make sure you make a folder called 'fw' in the same location as the 'Dishonored.exe and 'DishonoredGame.exe' files, then download the 32bit (or 64bit, but the writer of these scripts has already mentioned the 64x version not working well if at all with the proton layers) portable version of Flawless Widescreen and unpack it into this folder ('fw').
-Copy the 'config.bat' file from ProtonPreloader into the same directory as the 2 exe files, keeping the name the same.
-Edit the 'config.bat' file in the game directory, and feel free to modify it as you wish. To get the game working, you need to change 'start "Main game executable" "game.exe" %' to 'start "Main game executable" "DishonoredGame.exe" %'. Make sure that this is pointing to the ORIGINAL Steam Executeable, NOT back to the ProtonPreloader 'spoof' executeable as this will obviously cause a loop. (Because when it tries to run the game, it will just be pointing to itself).
Might not work for everyone, but i think it should to be fair. Here is a copy of my config.bat, just in case.
@echo off cd /D "%~dp0" :: ------------------------------------------- :: Main script part :: -------------------------------------------
:: Change next line to call another utility start "Utility to start before game" "fw\FlawlessWidescreen.exe"
::echo "Arguments to be passed to game executable are: %*" - Commented this out, though this is not a required step echo "Running Flawless Widescreen"
:: Change next line to change path to game executable start "Main game executable" "DishonoredGame.exe" %*