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Hello, I got an issue about Ucsc track, which is related to [#99 ](https://github.com/lawremi/rtracklayer/pull/99)
Hello, I got an issue about Ucsc track, which is related to [#99 ](https://github.com/lawremi/rtracklayer/pull/99)
When I learn the code
rTrack <- Gviz::UcscTrack(genome="hg19", chromosome=chrom, track = "NCBI RefSeq", table = "ncbiRefSeq", from=minbase, to=maxbase, trackType="GeneRegionTrack", rstarts="exonStarts", rends="exonEnds", gene="name", symbol="name2", transcript="name", strand="strand", fill="darkblue",stacking="squish", name="RefSeq", showId=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE)
I got an error
"Error in normArgTrack(track, trackids) : Unknown track: refSeqComposite"
When I did trace back, I thought that the error was more likely related to rtracklayer's ucsc.R (I found the function normArgTrack in this script) than Gviz, which supplied the UcscTrack I used.
PS: When I looked up the table names for NCBI RefSeq, I got the lists.
ucscTables("hg19", "NCBI RefSeq")
[1] "ncbiRefSeq" "ncbiRefSeqCurated"
[3] "ncbiRefSeqOther" "ncbiRefSeqPsl"
[5] "ncbiRefSeqGenomicDiff" "refGene"
[7] "ncbiRefSeqSelect" "ncbiRefSeqHgmd"
[9] "all_est" "all_mrna"
[11] "ccdsInfo" "hgFixed.gbCdnaInfo"
[13] "hgFixed.gbMiscDiff" "hgFixed.gbSeq"
[15] "hgFixed.gbWarn" "hgFixed.imageClone"
[17] "hgFixed.refLink" "hgFixed.refSeqStatus"
[19] "hgFixed.refSeqSummary" "kgXref"
[21] "knownToRefSeq" "mrnaOrientInfo"
[23] "ncbiRefSeqCds" "ncbiRefSeqLink"
[25] "refFlat" "refSeqAli"
[27] "seqNcbiRefSeq" "ucscRetroInfo5"
[29] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV24lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV27lift37"
[31] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV28lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV31lift37"
[33] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV33lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV34lift37"
[35] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV35lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV36lift37"
[37] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV37lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV38lift37"
[39] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV39lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV40lift37"
[41] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV41lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV42lift37"
[43] "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV43lift37" "wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV44lift37"
[45] "xenoEst" "xenoMrna"
[47] "xenoRefGene" "xenoRefSeqAli"
That's why I entered 'ncbiRefSeq' for the table value.
Could anyone give some information about the error?
Many thanks,
Yujin Kim.
Originally posted by @jennyujin22 in https://github.com/lawremi/rtracklayer/issues/98#issuecomment-1798387598
Do we know if this was fixed with #99?