Andrew Lavery

Results 52 comments of Andrew Lavery

That is a very good idea! We should be doing this for Kustomize and Terraform, too.

This isn't closed yet - we still need to setup a process to include the actual version automatically, instead of hardcoding things

@areed `ship init git::` works - we just need the `git::` annotation for [go-getter]( If GitLab follows the same URL schema as GitHub does, we should add handling for that...

It looks like we already parse the TF state for storage:

I think one thing we may need to do to solve this in the general case is to cache the upstream (& possibly include it in the state file) for...

Right, but what I suggest is for the behavior now to stay the same - if you run ship update without a `--lock` flag (or something - perhaps we add...

I believe the lock-capable world shouldn't change any existing behavior, so yes

One complicating factor is that some people might be depending on the existing default-to-installer behavior. We could make this a breaking change, though And as pointed out in Slack it...

Interesting. I thought we ran our multidoc-yaml-splitter on the output of helm charts, but perhaps not? Would you mind pasting the full file that you're unable to edit?