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Specify menu depth
Is it possible to specify a menu depth? Like Menu::get('mainnav')->maxdepth(1) for showing only the top navigation.
Please update the package. If you need to target items at root level you can do like so
// or alternatively call whereParent with no argument.
You can also call children()
if you just need to fetch the children of an item and not all the descendants.
for example to add data-role
attribute to children of item `About, you can do like so:
->attr('data-role', 'navigation');
And if you need to affect all descendants:
->attr('data-role', 'navigation');
Thank you, but for some reason i'm getting this error when I do this:
Menu::get('navigation')->roots()->asUl(array('class'=>'nav navbar-nav'))
Call to undefined method Lavary\Menu\Collection::asUl()
Currently you can't call rendering methods on collections. roots()
returns a Laravel collection.
You may use CSS to style your menu the way you need or create a custom rendering method. It is explained in the Advanced Usage section.
However it's a good idea to have rendering methods on collections too. I'll add this feature to the package soon.
Stay tuned!
@lavary maybe it's possible you could add a method to the Item class that would get return the current depth of the iteration. The reason for this is for sub-menu items and the layout.
I've extended your Item class in my project to add this functionality. The reason was that the theme I am using uses css class names for it's depth.
<ul class="nav nav-{{$item->depth()}}-level"
@include('', array('items' => $item->children()))
In my case the depth returned "first", "second", or "third" .. but that would be simple to translate from an Integer.
Just an idea!
@MattWohler Sounds like a good idea Matt. I think I'm gonna need to add this to the package :)
@MattWohler i need that too because i use SBAdmin template that use nav-second-level
> nav-third-level
.. thanks :)
@MattWohler could you share your hack? or maybe some push request :)
@lavary any update for this issue?
@ghprod my apologies, I would have sent you the fix this morning. I see you got impatient haha.. Good job.
@MattWohler Hahhahah... :+1:
@MattWohler seems like my pull request got bugs :package: need to cancel it .. :dancer:
Anyone want to take a stab at this with a PR? Would anyone still benefit from this functionality?
Let me ping here too :) I'm not playing laravel for long, but I faced unusual situation, where kind of depth retrieval was needed, because there is a need to place 'menu aliases'. Here's the brief of menu:
- Menu element L1 (url /blabla)
- About L1 (url /about)
- Read about us (url /about) -> here comes the thing, same urls, L1 is menu item alias type ... I had to separate L1 and L2 in my template, so at first shot i tried: First row: {!! menu::get('xxx)->topMenu() !!} -> Level 1 is easy :) Second row: {!! menu::get('xxx')->submenu/siblings!} -> Level 2
Well, I couldn't fetch level2 menu items because there's no depth function, and as far the url is the same, the returned active item is the top-most so it fails when it comes to retrieve second row.
Finally I did quick test during mainmenu creation:
$active = $menu->active();
if ($active) {
if ($active->hasParent())
$l2 = $active->parent()->children();
if ($active->hasChildren())
$l2 = $active->children();
$nb = $menu->spawn('MainMenu_l2', $l2);
foreach($l2 as $item)
$nb->add($item->title, $item->url());
$menu->second_level = $nb;
There was a need to separate menu into two rows and display levels 1 and 2 separately, so I think it concerns this topic or I simply failed somewhere while trying to achieve this :)
Anyway - the first thing that I felt is missing was something related to depth.
I hat the same problem. Here is my solution to help other people in this situation. I've created the following query to get my levels:
$getAllLevels = collect(DB::select(DB::raw("WITH RECURSIVE cte AS (
SELECT 1 AS lvl, parent_id, id
FROM site_menu_entries
WHERE parent_id IS NULL
SELECT lvl + 1, site_menu_entries.parent_id,
FROM site_menu_entries
JOIN cte
ON site_menu_entries.parent_id =
SELECT * -- MAX(lvl) AS max_depth_of_tree
FROM cte;")));
In the item iteration, I've added the following attribute to each item:
'depth' => $getAllLevels->firstWhere('id', $link->id)->lvl