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Runtime Jupyter Notebook error on Windows operating System
Referred to: #257
Objective of issue: Lava codes can not be run on Windows operating system (Jupyter Notebooks do not work, somehow ran as python script but it takes too long). (Development environment: Windows 11 and Windows 10, Vscode Jupyter Notebook extension and Jupyter Notebook itself.)
Lava version:
- [x] 0.4.0
I'm submitting a ...
- [x] bug report
Current behavior:
- On Jupyter Notebook, runtime goes to infinity and can not run LIF tutorial. Also, on a .py, file it takes few minutes for Izhikevich model (single neuron). (EDIT: The codes have been tried on Ubuntu and Windows. In Ubuntu case the code worked fine and results were received quickly. On Windows, the problem persists.)
Expected behavior:
- Runtime should normally be very short and can be run on Jupyter Notebook.
Steps to reproduce:
- Following the steps on LIF tutorial and Izhikevich Model code that I added at the end of issue.
Related code:
from re import X
import numpy as np
from lava.magma.core.process.process import AbstractProcess
from lava.magma.core.process.variable import Var
from lava.magma.core.process.ports.ports import InPort, OutPort
from lava.magma.core.sync.protocols.loihi_protocol import LoihiProtocol
from import PyInPort, PyOutPort
from import LavaPyType
from lava.magma.core.resources import CPU
from lava.magma.core.decorator import implements, requires, tag
from import PyLoihiProcessModel
from lava.magma.core.run_configs import Loihi1SimCfg
from lava.magma.core.run_conditions import RunSteps
from lava.proc.monitor.process import Monitor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Defining the process
class Izhikevich(AbstractProcess):
"""Izhikevich neuron model"""
# You can choose different neuron types when you creating the process
neuron_types = {
"RS": { # Regular spiking
"a": 0.02,
"b": 0.2,
"c": -65,
"d": 8,
"IB": { # Intrinsically bursting
"a": 0.02,
"b": 0.2,
"c": -55,
"d": 4,
"CH": { # Chattering
"a": 0.02,
"b": 0.2,
"c": -50,
"d": 2,
"FS": { # Fast spiking
"a": 0.1,
"b": 0.2,
"c": -65,
"d": 2,
"LTS": { # Low-threshold spiking
"a": 0.02,
"b": 0.25,
"c": -65,
"d": 2,
"TC": { # Thalamo-cortical
"a": 0.02,
"b": 0.25,
"c": -65,
"d": 0.05,
"RZ": { # Resonator
"a": 0.1,
"b": 0.26,
"c": -65,
"d": 2,
def __init__(self, neuron_type, sim_time, n_neurons, randomize=False,**kwargs):
# accessing to the neuron types dictionary.
self.param_dict = self.neuron_types[neuron_type]
shape = kwargs.get("shape", (n_neurons,))
self.a_in = InPort(shape=shape)
self.s_out = OutPort(shape=shape)
# Assigning the parameters of the neuron model according to the state of the randomize, if randomize is true, the parameters are assigned randomly.
self.a = Var(shape=shape, init=self.param_dict["a"] + 0.02*np.random.uniform(-1,1, (n_neurons,)) if randomize else self.param_dict["a"])
self.b = Var(shape=shape, init=self.param_dict["b"] + 0.02*np.random.uniform(-1,1, (n_neurons,)) if randomize else self.param_dict["b"])
self.c = Var(shape=shape, init=self.param_dict["c"] + 0.02*np.random.uniform(-1,1, (n_neurons,)) if randomize else self.param_dict["c"])
self.d = Var(shape=shape, init=self.param_dict["d"] + 0.02*np.random.uniform(-1,1, (n_neurons,)) if randomize else self.param_dict["d"])
# Other variables of the neuron model, you can change the initial values of the variables when creating the process.
self.I = Var(shape=(1,1), init=kwargs.pop("I", 5))
self.u = Var(shape=shape, init=0)
self.v = Var(shape=shape, init=-65)
self.vth = Var(shape=(1,1), init=kwargs.pop("vth", 30))
# Defining the time step
self.step_size = Var(shape=(1,1), init=kwargs.pop("step_size", 0.1))
# Defining the simulation time (miliseconds)
self.sim_time = sim_time
# Print function for debugging
def print_vars(self):
"""Prints all variables of a Izhikevich process and their values."""
print("Variables of the Izhikevich:")
print("a: ", str(self.a.get()))
print("b: ", str(self.b.get()))
print("c: ", str(self.c.get()))
print("d: ", str(self.d.get()))
print("I: ", str(self.I.get()))
print("u: ", str(self.u.get()))
print("v: ", str(self.v.get()))
print("vth: ", str(self.vth.get()))
@implements(proc=Izhikevich, protocol=LoihiProtocol) # Defining the protocol
@requires(CPU) # Defining the resources
@tag('floating_pt') # Defining the tag
# Defining ProcessModel (behaviour of Process)
class PyIzhikevichModel(PyLoihiProcessModel):
# Define types of elements in the process
a_in: PyInPort = LavaPyType(PyInPort.VEC_DENSE, float)
s_out: PyOutPort = LavaPyType(PyOutPort.VEC_DENSE, bool, precision=1)
u: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
v: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
vth: float = LavaPyType(float, float)
a: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
b: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
c: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
d: np.ndarray = LavaPyType(np.ndarray, float)
I: float = LavaPyType(float, float)
step_size: float = LavaPyType(float, float)
# Define the equations of neuron
def run_spk(self):
a_in_data = self.a_in.recv()
self.v = self.v + (0.04*self.v**2 + 5*self.v + 140 - self.u + self.I)*self.step_size
self.u = self.u + (self.a)*((self.b*self.v - self.u))*self.step_size
s_out = self.v >= self.vth # spike condition
self.v[s_out] = self.c[s_out] # Reset voltage to c value
self.u[s_out] = self.u[s_out] + self.d[s_out] # Reset u to d value
if __name__ == '__main__':
n_neurons = 1 # Number of neurons in the network
neuron_type = "CH" # Type of neuron
# Creating the process
izhkievich_neurons = Izhikevich(sim_time=300, n_neurons=n_neurons, neuron_type=neuron_type, I=5,step_size=0.1, vth=30, randomize=True)
# Access to simulation time and step size for plotting
sim_time = izhkievich_neurons.sim_time
step_size = izhkievich_neurons.step_size.get()
# calculate the number of steps for the simulation
num_steps = int(sim_time/step_size)
# Add monitor for the measurement of the voltage
monitor1 = Monitor()
monitor1.probe(target=izhkievich_neurons.v, num_steps=num_steps)
# start the simulation, run_cfg=Loihi1SimCfg())
# collect the data from the monitor
# stop the simulation
fig, ax = plt.subplot(fig_size=(10,10))
monitor1.plot(ax=ax, target=izhkievich_neurons.v)