docker-streamlink-recorder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-streamlink-recorder copied to clipboard

automated dockerfile to record livestreams with streamlink


Automated Dockerfile to record livestreams with streamlink


This is a Docker Container to record a livestream. It uses the official Python Image with the Tag bullseye , installs streamlink and uses the Script to periodically check if the stream is live.


To run the Container:

docker run -v /path/to/vod/folder/:/home/download -e streamLink='' -e streamQuality='' -e streamName='' -e streamOptions='' -e uid='' -e gid='' lauwarm/streamlink-recorder


docker run -v /home/:/home/download -e streamLink='' -e streamQuality='best' -e streamName='twitch' -e streamOptions='--twitch-api-header=Authorization=OAuth abcdefg123456;--twitch-disable-reruns' -e uid='1001' -e gid='1001' lauwarm/streamlink-recorder


/home/download - the place where the vods will be saved. Mount it to a desired place with -v option.

/home/script - the place where the scripts are stored. ( and

/home/plugins - the place where the streamlink plugins are stored.

streamLink - the url of the stream you want to record.

streamQuality - quality options (best, high, medium, low).

streamName - name for the stream.

streamOptions - streamlink flags (--twitch-disable-reruns, separated by ;, see Plugins)

uid - USER ID, map to your desired User ID (fallback to 9001)

gid - GROUP ID, map to your desired Group ID (fallback to 9001)

The File will be saved as streamName-YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond.mkv