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Svelte component example
Awesome library! Just wanted to share a component method for anyone using svelte :D Only the username prop is required.
<script lang="ts">
import { minidenticon } from "minidenticons"
export let username: string
export let saturation: number = 95
export let lightness: number = 45
$: svgURI =
'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' +
encodeURIComponent(minidenticon(username, saturation, lightness))
Example usage with class props:
<Minidenticon username={USERNAME} class="h-12 w-12" />
Thanks @Joshimello!
I’d love to add your example to the readme, but if I’m right Svelte 5 will be released soon with the new "runes" syntax that makes $: svgURI = ...
and other stuff obsolete.
Last time I used Svelte it was still in version 3 so I’m not a Svelte expert :wink: Do you think you could rewrite your example with the new runes syntax?
Sure! No problem!
Heres a typed version
<script lang="ts">
import { minidenticon } from "minidenticons"
let {
saturation = 95,
lightness = 45,
} : {
username: string,
saturation?: number | string,
lightness?: number | string,
[key: string]: any
} = $props()
let svgURI: string = $derived(
'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' +
encodeURIComponent(minidenticon(username, saturation, lightness))
And an untyped version
import { minidenticon } from "minidenticons"
let {
saturation = 95,
lightness = 45,
} = $props()
let svgURI = $derived(
'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' +
encodeURIComponent(minidenticon(username, saturation, lightness))
Thanks again @Joshimello :+1: I will probably add this in the docs in not too distant future. Hopefully before Svelte 6 is released :wink:
Update: I’m actually waiting for React 19 to be officially released (not the beta) to revamp the docs.