TouchSelfie-extended icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TouchSelfie-extended copied to clipboard

No Handler could be found for logger auth2service

Open karlzre opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

Hi Laurent,

I just see that i have this issue when Photobooth try to upload a photo. "No Handler could be found for logger auth2service" I worked unitil monday.

Any idea ?

karlzre avatar Feb 26 '20 17:02 karlzre

I'm having exactly the same issue!

darrenR89 avatar Mar 15 '20 14:03 darrenR89

Me too ! Did someone manage fixing it ?

mattx38 avatar Apr 09 '20 07:04 mattx38

Hello @karlzre the error "No handler could be found..." relates the the logging capability but it's only a warning and should work ok, so not the source of the problem you're experiencing. Could you please locate your logfile (should be a file named touchselfie.log and paste it here or at least try to locate the source of your problem inside it?

laurentalacoque avatar Apr 19 '20 12:04 laurentalacoque

hi, Do you have any idea why my app is not fetching the list of photoalbums.

I get the following error,

""" Unification of email sending and album uploading using OAuth2Login Code for Google Photos / Picasa taken from "" at Code for mail sending with OAuth2 taken from "apadana" at Assemblage and adaptation Laurent Alacoque 2o18

- Update Jan 2019: Moving to photoslibrary API (Picasa API is now deprecated)

""" import os import base64 from apiclient import errors, discovery from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import mimetypes from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase import webbrowser from datetime import datetime, timedelta from googleapiclient.discovery import build from httplib2 import Http from oauth2client import file, client, tools from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class OAuthServices: """Unique entry point for Google Services authentication""" def init(self, client_secret, credentials_store, username, enable_upload = True, enable_email = True, log_level = logging.WARNING): """Create an OAuthService provider

        client_secret (filename) : path to an application id json file with Gmail api activated (
        credentials_store (filename) : path to the credentials storage (OK to put a nonexistent file)
        username                 : gmail address of the user whom account will be used
        enable_email             : enable send_email feature
        enable_upload            : enable upload pictures feature
        log_level                : level of logging (integer, see python module logging)     
    self.client_secret = client_secret
    self.credentials_store = None
    self.username = username
    self.enable_upload = enable_upload
    self.enable_email  = enable_email
    self.scopes = ""
    if not (self.enable_email or self.enable_upload): # if we don't want features, just return

    #build scopes
    if self.enable_upload:
        self.scopes += " "
    if self.enable_email:
        self.scopes += ""
    self.scopes = self.scopes.strip()

    self.credential_store = file.Storage(credentials_store)
    #mask googleapiclient info and debug messages, except in debug mode
    if (log_level == "DEBUG") or (log_level == logging.DEBUG):
def refresh(self):
    """Refresh authentication
    returns: True if the refesh was successfull, False otherwise"""
    log.debug("refresh: Refreshing authentication token")
    if not (self.enable_email or self.enable_upload): # if we don't want features, just return
        log.debug("refresh: canceled: no service needed")
        return False
    cred = self.__oauth_login()
    if cred is None:    
        return False
        return True

def __oauth_login(self):
    if not (self.enable_email or self.enable_upload): # if we don't want features, just return
        return None
    log.debug("__oauth_login: getting cached authentication token")
    credentials = self.credential_store.get()
    if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
        log.warning("__oauth_login: No valid credentials found, starting authorization flow")
            flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(self.client_secret, self.scopes)
            credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, self.credential_store)
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("__oauth_login: Error authenticating")
            raise e

    if (credentials.token_expiry - datetime.utcnow()) < timedelta(minutes=5):
        log.debug("__oauth_login: caching period reached, refreshing token online")

    return credentials

def __get_photo_client(self):
    if not self.enable_upload: #we don't want it
        return None
    credentials = self.__oauth_login()
    return build('photoslibrary', 'v1', http=credentials.authorize(Http()), cache_discovery=False)
def create_album(self, album_name = "New Album", add_placeholder_picture = False):
    """ Create a new album in user's photo library
        RETURNS: albumId or None if there was an error
            album_name (str): the album name (deflt: "New Album")
            add_placeholder_picture (bool): add a small random colored placeholder image to the album (dflt: False)
    log.debug("create_album: Creating album '%s' (placeholder image : %s)"%(album_name,str(True)))
    if not self.enable_upload:
        log.warning("create_album: Canceled album creation (enable_upload was set to False in constructor)")
        return {}
    client = self.__get_photo_client()
        res = client.albums().create(body={"album":{"title":album_name}}).execute()"create_album: Album %s created with id: %s"%(album_name,res["id"]))
        if add_placeholder_picture:
            self.upload_picture("placeholder.png", album_id = res["id"], generate_placeholder_picture=True)
        return res["id"]
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("create_album: Error while creating album %s:"%str(e))
        return None

def get_user_albums(self, as_title_id = True, exclude_non_app_created_data = True):
    Retrieves connected user list of photo albums as:
        - a list({"title": "the title", "id":"jfqmfjqsjklfaz"}) if as_title_id argument is True (default)
        - the album list
    log.debug("get_user_albums: Getting user photos albums")
    if not self.enable_upload:
        log.warning("get_user_albums: Canceled album fetching (enable_upload was set to False)")
        return {}
    client = self.__get_photo_client()
    albums = []
        log.debug("get_user_albums: Fetching first page of results")
        request = client.albums().list(pageSize=50,excludeNonAppCreatedData=exclude_non_app_created_data).execute()
        log.debug("get_user_albums: => %d albums found",len(request["albums"]))
        while (request.get("nextPageToken",None) is not None) and (len(request.get("albums",[])) == 50):
            log.debug("get_user_albums: Fetching next page of results")
            request = client.albums().list(pageSize=50, pageToken = request["nextPageToken"],excludeNonAppCreatedData=exclude_non_app_created_data).execute()
            log.debug("get_user_albums: => %d albums found",len(request["albums"]))
    except KeyError:
        #no albums
        log.error("get_users_album: Error while processing request")
        return albums
    except Exception as e:
        import json
        log.error("get_users_album: Error while processing request: %s"%str(e))
    if as_title_id:
        #build a list of {"title": "My album Title", "id":"FDQAga124231"} elements
        album_list = []
        for album in albums:
            entry = {}
            #skip albums with no title
            if not ("title" in album.keys()):
            entry['title'] = album.get("title")
            entry['id']    = album.get("id")
        #full stuff
        return albums

def upload_picture(self, filename, album_id = None , title="photo", caption = None, generate_placeholder_picture = False):
    """Upload a picture to Google Photos
        filename (str) : path to the file to upload
        album_id (str) : id string of the destination album (see get_user_albums).
            if None (default), destination album will be Google Photos Library
        title (str)  DEPREC  : title for the photo (unused and deprecated)
        caption (str, opt) : a Caption for the photo
        generate_placeholder_picture (bool, opt, deflt: False) : 
            if set to True, <filename> picture won't be used and a 32x32 colored picture will be used instead
            This is usefull to create an album and upload a random picture to it so that it shows up in google photos
    log.debug("upload_picture(%s, album_id = %s , title='%s', caption = %s, generate_placeholder_picture = %s)"%(filename,str(album_id),str(title), str(caption), str(generate_placeholder_picture)))
    if not self.enable_upload:
        log.debug("upload_picture: Canceled (service not configured)")
        return False
    client = self.__get_photo_client()
    creds = self.__oauth_login()
    # Step I: post file binary and get Token
    log.debug("upload_picture: Step I: uploading picture %s"%filename)
    file = os.path.basename(filename)
    url = ''
    authorization = 'Bearer ' + creds.access_token

    headers = {
        "Authorization": authorization,
        'Content-type': 'application/octet-stream',
        'X-Goog-Upload-File-Name': file,
        'X-Goog-Upload-Protocol': 'raw',
    http = creds.authorize(Http())
        if generate_placeholder_picture:
            log.debug("upload_picture: generating placeholder picture")
            from PIL import Image
            from random import randint
            # creating test image
            color = (randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255))
            im ="RGB", (32, 32), color=color)
            import io
            with io.BytesIO() as output:
      , format="PNG")
                filecontent = output.getvalue()
            with open(filename, "rb") as image_file:
        log.debug("upload_picture: uploading picture %s (%d bytes)"%(filename,len(filecontent)))
        (response,token) = http.request(url,method="POST",body=filecontent,headers=headers)
        if response.status != 200:
            log.warning("upload_picture: response code for upload %d != 200"%response.status)
            raise IOError("Error connecting to %s"%url)
        log.debug("upload_picture: Successfully uploaded image with id:[%s]"%token)

        # Step II: reference file Item
        if isinstance(caption,str):
            photo_item = {"simpleMediaItem": {"uploadToken": token}, "description": caption}
            photo_item = {"simpleMediaItem": {"uploadToken": token}}

        media_reference = dict(newMediaItems = [photo_item])
        if album_id is not None:
            media_reference["albumId"] = album_id
        import json;log.debug("upload_picture: referencing picture with id: [%s]\n %s"%(token, json.dumps(media_reference,indent=4)))
                res = client.mediaItems().batchCreate(body=media_reference).execute()
            except HttpError as e:
                if "Invalid album ID" in str(e):
                    log.error("upload_picture: album_id (%s) is not a valid album"%album_id)
                    log.warning("upload_picture: retrying to reference uploaded image without an album")
                    #Album is invalid, try to upload to user stream instead
                    res = client.mediaItems().batchCreate(body=dict(newMediaItems=[{"simpleMediaItem": {"uploadToken": token}}])).execute()
            if res["newMediaItemResults"][0]["status"]["message"] == "OK":
      "upload_picture: successfully uploaded image %s"%filename)
                return True
                log.warning("upload_picture: Unrecognized response")
                return False

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("upload_picture: Error while referencing picture with id: %s (%s)"%(token,str(e)))
            return False
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("upload_picture: Error while uploading picture: (%s)"%str(e))
        return False
    return False

def send_message(self,to, subject, body, attachment_file=None):
    """ send a message using gmail
        to (str)      : email address of the recipient
        subject (str) : subject line
        body    (str) : body of the message
        attachment_file (str) : path to the file to be attached (or None)
    log.debug("send_message(%s, '%s', '...', attachment_file=%s)"%(to, subject,str(attachment_file)))
    if not self.enable_email:
        log.debug("send_message: canceled (enable_email is False)")
        return False
    credentials = self.__oauth_login()
    http = credentials.authorize(Http())
    service ='gmail', 'v1', http=http, cache_discovery=False)
    log.debug("send_message: creating message")
    message = self.__createMessage(self.username, to, subject, body, body, attachment_file=attachment_file)
        log.debug("sending message")
        sent_message = (service.users().messages().send(userId="me", body=message).execute())'send_message: successfully sent message with id: %s' % sent_message['id'])
        return True
    except errors.HttpError as error:
        log.error("send_message: An error occurred during send mail: %s" % error)
        return False
    return True

def __createMessage(self,
    sender, to, subject, msgHtml, msgPlain, attachment_file=None):
    """Create a message for an email.
      sender: Email address of the sender.
      to: Email address of the receiver.
      subject: The subject of the email message.
      msgHtml: Html message to be sent
      msgPlain: Alternative plain text message for older email clients          
      attachmentFile (opt): The path to the file to be attached.
      An object containing a base64url encoded email object.
    message = MIMEMultipart('mixed')
    message['to'] = to
    message['from'] = sender
    message['subject'] = subject

    messageA = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
    messageR = MIMEMultipart('related')

    messageR.attach(MIMEText(msgHtml, 'html'))
    messageA.attach(MIMEText(msgPlain, 'plain'))


    #print("create_message_with_attachment: file: %s" % attachment_file)
    if attachment_file != None:
        content_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(attachment_file)

        if content_type is None or encoding is not None:
            content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        main_type, sub_type = content_type.split('/', 1)
        if main_type == 'text':
            fp = open(attachment_file, 'rb')
            msg = MIMEText(, _subtype=sub_type)
        elif main_type == 'image':
            fp = open(attachment_file, 'rb')
            msg = MIMEImage(, _subtype=sub_type)
        elif main_type == 'audio':
            fp = open(attachment_file, 'rb')
            msg = MIMEAudio(, _subtype=sub_type)
            fp = open(attachment_file, 'rb')
            msg = MIMEBase(main_type, sub_type)
        filename = os.path.basename(attachment_file)
        msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)

    return {'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_string())}

def test(): """ test email and uploading """ logging.basicConfig()

username = raw_input("Please enter your email address: ")

# creating test image
from PIL import Image
#random color
import random
color = (random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))

im ="RGB", (32, 32), color=color)"test_image.png")

# Connecting to Google
gservice = OAuthServices("client_id.json","storage.json",username,log_level=logging.DEBUG)

print "\nTesting email sending..."
print gservice.send_message(username,"oauth2 message sending works!","Here's the Message body",attachment_file="test_image.png")
print "\nTesting album list retrieval..."
albums = gservice.get_user_albums()
for i, album in enumerate(albums):
    print "\t title: %s, id: %s"%(album['title'],album['id'])
    if i >= 10:
        print "skipping the remaining albums..."
print "\nTesting album creation and image upload"
album_id = gservice.create_album(album_name="Test", add_placeholder_picture = True)
print "New album id:",album_id
print("Uploading to a bogus album")
print(gservice.upload_picture("testfile.png",album_id = "BOGUS STRING" , caption="In bogus album", generate_placeholder_picture = True))

if name == 'main': test()

I do not get the list any idea or update to the api I must do?

rmlucia avatar May 28 '22 10:05 rmlucia