joplin copied to clipboard
High cpu usage / hanging system when opening Joplin under Wayland
Joplin version: 2.1.9 (this issue already existed in some previous versions) Platform: Linux OS specifics:
- Arch with Plasma
- Centos 8
- Debian 10 with Gnome Desktop with Wayland
- Fedora 32
Steps to reproduce
- Log in in a Gnome session with Wayland / Mutter 1.Click to open the Joplin app
- Wait until system hangs and/or crash
Describe what you expected to happen
It's expected the application opens normally without hanging the machine when using the Wayland protocol.
This only happens under the Mutter window manager and Wayland. Joplin opens immediately with normal cpu usage under other window managers.
Log from the terminal:
(electron) The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please check
Log from developer tools:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: file:///tmp/.mount_joplinywn0Xg/resources/app.asar/gui/
/tmp/.mount_joplinyw…r/lib/logger.js:126 23:12:28 Starting Clipper server on port 41184
/tmp/.mount_joplinyw…evelopment.js:11494 Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See for details.
* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.
* If you're updating state whenever props change, refactor your code to use memoization techniques or move it to static getDerivedStateFromProps. Learn more at:
* Rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps to suppress this warning in non-strict mode. In React 17.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run `npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles` in your project source folder.
Please update the following components: Connect(NoteTextViewerComponent), Connect(NoteToolbar), Connect(TagItemComponent), Connect(TagListComponent), Connect(ToolbarComponent), ReactAce
/tmp/.mount_joplinyw…evelopment.js:11494 Warning: componentWillUpdate has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See for details.
* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.
* Rename componentWillUpdate to UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate to suppress this warning in non-strict mode. In React 17.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run `npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles` in your project source folder.
Please update the following components: Connect(NoteTextViewerComponent), Connect(NoteToolbar), Connect(TagItemComponent), Connect(TagListComponent), Connect(ToolbarComponent)
/tmp/.mount_joplinyw…essageHandler.js:30 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete undefined
- Version 1.0.223(prerelease)
- Windows 10x64 pro
- opens four threads (Taskmanager)
- no window opens → no access → "useless"
- returned to version 1.0.220
I updated the issue with logs from terminal and developer tools (I'm waiting for the log.txt been populated with information).
@laurent22, you removed the bug tag for some reason related to the lack of logs or because you do not consider a bug? Thank you.
this issue already existed in some previous versions
The GitHub tracker is only for actionable issues, and unfortunately while this bug might happen in your computer it's not possible to replicate it on our side. The log is just the usual warnings.
Does it happen with all the notes or just some of them?
And isn't it the same as this bug
Understand (about the tracker).
It's happening when I try to open the app. I'm aware of the issue with the kernel 5.5 but I missed the references to the high cpu usage and I decided to open this issue.
Can be related. I'll try later with a lower version of the kernel on another machine to be sure if is related or not.
I'll leave a message then. Thank you
I tested on another machine with kernel 4.19 and the result was the same: high processor usage when the application is opened.
(For me) Solved with → Joplin 1.0.224 (prod, win32) Revision: 1899d866 (master)
For me, the problem persists in the version 1.0.224.
The issue persists in the version 1.0.227 and kernel 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7.
Note: Related with Gnome Shell and not with kernel?
@laurent22, I just made some progress to debug this issue.
This only happens under Wayland protocol. Joplin opens immediately with normal cpu usage under Xorg.
Please tell me if I can help providing more information.
Ive been stuck on 1.0.179 on fedora 32 for this very reason (ie I get the same electron message and then nothing). I havent tried reverting the kernel because:
- I dont really want to run an old kernel just for a note app
- I heard that the kernel issue had been resolved?
I keep trying every release (and some pre-releases) to no avail :( (FYI I am using appimage home & config directories to keep attempts with other releases separated from my 1.0.179 data so they should be running clean)
I updated the issue with the Fedora 32.
@isaiahfrantz, can you test with Xorg and tell me if the issue persists?
I heard that the kernel issue had been resolved?
I tested with the old 4.19 kernel and I suspect this issue is not related with the kernel.
The issue persists in the version 1.0.233.
The issue persists in the version 1.0.242.
I have been following these types of threads since 1.0.207 (the last version that worked for me) I've just discovered a fix for my situation, maybe it will help others. While trying to find some smoking gun I came across the fact that I could not update nodejs. `Error: Problem: cannot install both nodejs-2:14.11.0-1nodesource.x86_64 and nodejs-1:10.19.0-2.module_el8.1.0+296+bef51246.x86_64
- package npm-1:6.13.4- requires nodejs = 1:10.19.0-2.module_el8.1.0+296+bef51246, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package nodejs-1:10.19.0-2.module_el8.1.0+296+bef51246.x86_64
- problem with installed package npm-1:6.13.4- ` After removing npm Joplin works as expected. NAME="CentOS Linux" VERSION="8 (Core)" KERNEL="4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64"
Well that was short lived. It hangs again now on launch...I really don't know why. I even installed 1.1.4 and still hangs on launch...
Since the upgrade to 1.1.4 I can launch the AppImage from terminal and it will open without hanging. At least there is a work around...
@JCTechSol, I have been using the terminal method but sometimes I have to cancel the process and start again to work.
I did some testing with Debian Unstable with a newer version of xwayland and it seems to have worked well.
Still, I can't confirm that it's due to xwayland because I ran out of time to continue my tests.
Today I wasn't able to open Joplin from terminal. It froze just like with the app shortcut. After repeated attempts and combinations I was able to get it to launch after I tried lunching an old version. It presents an error message about the database being newer then expected. After I press OK and dismiss that, I can then open the appimage of 1.1.4 successfully. I'm not sure why that combination works.
There is some more oddities with this workaround as well. I've discovered that if I try lunching the 1.0.241.AppImage it doesn't work, in fact it will crash the computer. But if I try lunching the 1.0.207.AppImage the database error successfully pops up saying that the database is newer then expected etc. Then I can successfully lunch the 1.1.4.Applmage. It seems like such a random piece of information but I can faithfully reproduce this behavior every time so I think its significant.
Hi, I am on Debian 10 and use the .deb from github releases. Same issue: Joplin freezes the system on Wayland. This is very counter-productive :( I lost some unsaved work and computations.
Update: The issue persists in the version 1.2.6.
I can also confirm the same behavior is present in 1.2.6. Also the same workaround works. Launching the 1.0.207 appImage, click ok on the error message, then launching the 1.2.6 appimage
I haven't be able to do a lot of testing but it appears 1.3 won't run at all. Thankfully I am still able to run 1.2.6 with the workaround as it looks like no modification\upgrade has happen on the database. (Launching the 1.0.207 appImage, click ok on the error message, then launching the 1.2.6 appimage)
So I've just installed 1.4.18 using the recommended method ( wget -O - | bash) and it opened up flawlessly....I'm excited but cautious. I will do some more testing and update here again...
After a reboot now Jopin won't open at all. Not even the work around works any more. Tried updating to 1.4.19, no change. Installed the latest CentOS 8 update, no change. I can't access my Joplin notes at all now...
Removing the following folders and reinstalling using the recommended wget method fixed the issue. Joplin will now open again... ~/.joplin-bin ~/.joplin ~/.config/@joplin ~/.config/Joplin ~/.config/joplin-desktop
Reboot seems to break things. I had to remove the folders again and reinstall. I tried just removing the ~/.joplin folder and reinstalling but it still crashed. I had to remove all 4 and reinstall to get it to work again.
~/.joplin ~/.config/@joplin ~/.config/Joplin ~/.config/joplin-desktop
The only thing that I change or configure after install is:
- Configure darkmore in appearance
- Setup dropbox sync
- Set encryption to decrypt the notes.
I wonder if one of these is responsible for the crashing behavior...
It seems that deleting ~/.config/@joplin and ~/.config/joplin-desktop are enough to get it working again. I will test to see if darkmode has anything to do with it...
man this problem keeps getting stranger and stranger... Test darkmode, not the issue here, with our without darkmode the same crash is experienced on opening. That leaves encryption\dropbox and related to the issue.
I tested this morning with 1.5.11.... same issues. I wanted to test my old workaround of opening an old version, getting an error prompt and then opening the new version, BUT instead of giving me an error prompt, joplin.1.2.6.AppImage actually opened! I was not expecting this and thought this might be bad news for my notebook. But I noticed something I've never seen before, a conflict notebook in red. It had a copy of one of my notes in it. I examined it closely and did not notice any issues or differences from the actual note. Just to be sure I wanted to export it but I wasn't able to. Joplin would go through the motion and create the _resource folder but nothing else and no data was in the _resource folder. I could export other notes, just not this conflict one. So I decided to delete the conflict note, sync and close. I was then able to open 1.5.11 with no issues....
Was the problem this whole time!?!? A corrupted conflict note?!?!?! That would explain why it would only open if no notebook was existing and would break after I synced it.
If this is indeed the root issue. Is there anyway this can be identified or cleaned up instead of just hanging?