Lattice 0

Results 113 issues of Lattice 0

I'm trying to find information about authentication mechanisms supported by this library, and I found `Basic` and `Bearer`: On bearer, it looks like I need to put my own...

I want to render OpenGL inside Flutter. I've already made it work in Java and I know it's possible in C++. Flutter has this external texture concept where it creates...

platform: Android
difficulty: average
status: in progress

I need to create a `glutin::event_loop::EventLoop::`, but before running my event loop, I need to get an event proxy from it. The way things are wired in my code, it...

The only event I saw that gets close to a redraw request is `glutin::event::Event::RedrawRequested(window_id)` but this is only issued when the OS invalidates the window data or the application calls...

Hello, I couldn't find the API for this library. Does it support passing my custom socket to it? I see that it supports okhttp3-style interceptors, so maybe it's possible?

I have a project like this: ``` liborwell/ glium_orwell/ ``` where `liborwell` is a cargo project by itself, and also is `glium_orwell` Somehow, only `liborwell` works in VSCode. That is,...

I always have to restart my VSCode after some minutes of development because the intellisense stops working. Currently it's stuck in "Indexing" and some markings on the code are old...

this project is nice and I was wondering if the same thing can be done to control a computer remotely. I always wanted to control a server and be able...

I believe this is a bug because the exact same code won't work on Android but works in PC, with exception to the context/window creation. For that I'm using @MarijnS95... only allows for writing an entire image, but on a decoded video, sometimes there are alignment strides so I have to upload in parts (or copy to a vector,...