Lattice 0

Results 149 comments of Lattice 0 is the problem using `FROM alpine:3.12` fixed the problem Maybe we should stick to a fixed alpine and then test on new releases?

@stefangweichinger are you having this issue?

But there's no bootstrapping on SEAL, right? When the primes end, we have no choice but to decrypt, right?

Would you care to comment what this part does? const uint64_t modulus_value = modulus.value(); const uint64_t coeff_count_minus_one = coeff_count_ - 1; uint64_t index_raw = 0; for (uint64_t i = 0;...

I think the ntt version is better to understand: for (size_t i = coeff_count_; i < coeff_count_ > 1; //since coeff_count_minus_one is 0111111... I think this has something to do...

@fionser @WeiDaiWD I get that in the coefficients of the polynomial in NTT form are scrambled in a order dictated by the reverse_bits function. So if we want to permute...

I still don't get why INTT is applied before encoding, and NTT after decoding. I'm having a problem where squaring a polynomial in galois form squares each coefficient correctly, but...

Got it. `INTT(p1)*INTT(p2) = INTT(NTT(INTT(p1)).NTT(INTT(p2))) = INTT(p1.p2)` so `NTT(INTT(p1)*INTT(p2)) = p1.p2` where . is coefficient-wise multiplication and * is polynomial multiplication modulo. Now, I think the problem with squaring twice...

I'm very confused. If peer dependencies are needed, why there's no information about installing them at the ReadMe? Also, I've moved the dependencies to `dependencies` in an attempt to fix...

Came to report this bug. scaleType won't work, all my images appears horribly scaled