unicode-math icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
unicode-math copied to clipboard

please document \UnicodeMathSymbol a: r: b:

Open mennucc opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Dear Wspr,

I am writing some code that can translate unicode to LaTeX and vice versa; the first part is ready and works fine, it is available in https://github.com/mennucc/unicode2latex.git . To this end the code parse the file unicode-math-table.tex . I noted that some definitions have a kind of syntax into the 4th argument, namely

\UnicodeMathSymbol{"000B7}{\cdotp                    }{\mathbin}{/centerdot b: middle dot}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02022}{\smblkcircle              }{\mathbin}{/bullet b: round bullet, filled}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02190}{\leftarrow                }{\mathrel}{/leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02192}{\rightarrow               }{\mathrel}{/rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021B0}{\Lsh                      }{\mathrel}{/lsh a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021B1}{\Rsh                      }{\mathrel}{/rsh a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021BE}{\upharpoonright           }{\mathrel}{/upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"0220D}{\smallni                  }{\mathrel}{/ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member)}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02223}{\mid                      }{\mathrel}{/mid r:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02227}{\wedge                    }{\mathbin}{/wedge /land b: logical and}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02228}{\vee                      }{\mathbin}{/vee /lor b: logical or}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02251}{\Doteq                    }{\mathrel}{/doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02260}{\ne                       }{\mathrel}{/ne /neq r: not equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02264}{\leq                      }{\mathrel}{/leq /le r: less-than-or-equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02265}{\geq                      }{\mathrel}{/geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022A1}{\boxdot                   }{\mathbin}{/dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022B8}{\multimap                 }{\mathrel}{/multimap a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D2}{\Cap                      }{\mathbin}{/cap /doublecap b: double intersection}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D3}{\Cup                      }{\mathbin}{/cup /doublecup b: double union}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D8}{\lll                      }{\mathrel}{/ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D9}{\ggg                      }{\mathrel}{/ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02305}{\varbarwedge              }{\mathbin}{/barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)]}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02306}{\vardoublebarwedge        }{\mathbin}{/doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)]}%

what is the meaning of the symbols a: b: and r: in the above?

Why are there some macro-like commands?

In particular, I know that \to is defined as \rightarrow but at the same time \doteqdot is not defined as \Doteq so I am bit puzzled



mennucc avatar Feb 15 '22 08:02 mennucc

As far as I can see this is the lowercase of thecomments in the original ISO entity files (which I dropped in versions generated at W3C) You will see them documented in eg https://github.com/w3c/xml-entities/blob/gh-pages/unicode.xml

         <entity id="Cap" set="9573-2003-isoamsb">
            <desc>/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection</desc>

The format of those comments was never fully documented as far as I could tell but the /name reference tex-like names and the B or R denote binary or rlation \mathbib, \mathrel respectively

/cap /doublecap b: double intersection

davidcarlisle avatar Feb 15 '22 17:02 davidcarlisle

David is right that these "Descriptions" were inherited from another source and need to be cleaned up (ideally to match the canonical unicode glyph name).

wspr avatar Aug 12 '23 15:08 wspr