unicode-math copied to clipboard
please document \UnicodeMathSymbol a: r: b:
Dear Wspr,
I am writing some code that can translate unicode to LaTeX and vice versa; the first part is ready and works fine, it is available in https://github.com/mennucc/unicode2latex.git . To this end the code parse the file unicode-math-table.tex . I noted that some definitions have a kind of syntax into the 4th argument, namely
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"000B7}{\cdotp }{\mathbin}{/centerdot b: middle dot}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02022}{\smblkcircle }{\mathbin}{/bullet b: round bullet, filled}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02190}{\leftarrow }{\mathrel}{/leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02192}{\rightarrow }{\mathrel}{/rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021B0}{\Lsh }{\mathrel}{/lsh a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021B1}{\Rsh }{\mathrel}{/rsh a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"021BE}{\upharpoonright }{\mathrel}{/upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"0220D}{\smallni }{\mathrel}{/ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member)}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02223}{\mid }{\mathrel}{/mid r:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02227}{\wedge }{\mathbin}{/wedge /land b: logical and}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02228}{\vee }{\mathbin}{/vee /lor b: logical or}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02251}{\Doteq }{\mathrel}{/doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02260}{\ne }{\mathrel}{/ne /neq r: not equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02264}{\leq }{\mathrel}{/leq /le r: less-than-or-equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02265}{\geq }{\mathrel}{/geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022A1}{\boxdot }{\mathbin}{/dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022B8}{\multimap }{\mathrel}{/multimap a:}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D2}{\Cap }{\mathbin}{/cap /doublecap b: double intersection}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D3}{\Cup }{\mathbin}{/cup /doublecup b: double union}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D8}{\lll }{\mathrel}{/ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"022D9}{\ggg }{\mathrel}{/ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02305}{\varbarwedge }{\mathbin}{/barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)]}%
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"02306}{\vardoublebarwedge }{\mathbin}{/doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)]}%
what is the meaning of the symbols a:
and r:
in the above?
Why are there some macro-like commands?
In particular, I know that \to
is defined as \rightarrow
but at the same time \doteqdot
is not defined as \Doteq
so I am bit puzzled
As far as I can see this is the lowercase of thecomments in the original ISO entity files (which I dropped in versions generated at W3C) You will see them documented in eg https://github.com/w3c/xml-entities/blob/gh-pages/unicode.xml
<entity id="Cap" set="9573-2003-isoamsb">
<desc>/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection</desc>
The format of those comments was never fully documented as far as I could tell but the /name reference tex-like names and the B or R denote binary or rlation \mathbib, \mathrel respectively
/cap /doublecap b: double intersection
David is right that these "Descriptions" were inherited from another source and need to be cleaned up (ideally to match the canonical unicode glyph name).