unicode-math icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
unicode-math copied to clipboard

Math operator in figure caption results in failure.

Open neboat opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments


Using unicode-math version 0.8m, installed with TeX Live 2018, causes math operators in figure captions to fail with the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\__um_fontswitch:n ...ath@bgroup \__ummath@bgroup 
                                                  \cs_set_eq:NN \math@egroup...

l.10   \caption{Test caption $i \bmod 64$.}

I am observing this issue on Mac OS X 10.13.


  • [X] Relevant for XeTeX
  • [X] Relevant for LuaTeX
  • [X] Issue tracker has been searched for similar issues?
  • [ ] Links to <tex.stackexchange.com> discussion if appropriate

Minimal example demonstrating the issue




  \caption{Test caption $i \bmod 64$.}


Further details

Based on the error message, this issue seems to be related to #492.

neboat avatar Sep 26 '18 15:09 neboat

\bmod has always been a fragile command. If you comment out unicode-math, add \listoffigures and compile with pdflatex, the .lof file will contain

\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Test caption $i \nonscript \mskip -\medmuskip \mkern 5mu\mathbin {\mathgroup \symoperators mod}\penalty 900\mkern 5mu\nonscript \mskip -\medmuskip 64$.}}{1}

Use \protect\bmod when the command is used in a moving argument.

On the other hand, it would probably be a good addition if unicode-math makes the command robust.

eg9 avatar Sep 26 '18 15:09 eg9

Thanks @eg9 for the quick response and for reminding me about \protect. Thus far I've only seen this issue affect fragile math operators, such as \bmod or \sin (without amsmath).

neboat avatar Sep 26 '18 16:09 neboat