Chris Hocking

Results 227 comments of Chris Hocking

@asmagill - If you do ever go back to `hs.menubar`, this issue would be awesome to keep in mind too.

All sounds good to me! Random idea... you could probably hide the flicker, but quickly "freezing" the screen using a canvas object?

Dumb idea, that I haven't tested myself yet... Could you just modify `` to change spaces and get information about spaces?

I know with Apple's Final Cut Pro, if we make changes to the Final Cut Pro preferences file, it actually changes things automatically in the application (they must be "watching"...

As a workaround, you could add ping/pong messages that go between your client server, so you know when it's connected, and when it's timed out?

@cmsj - This is a little bit above my pay grade, but it looks like it's possible using `IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty` and `IOFBTransform`, if this means anything to you?

It says “No such file or directory”. Can you share your Lua code?

The information in this pull request might help?

Actually, better yet, this Spoon:

That is a very good question! If you type this in the Console, what does it return? hs.inspect(hs.midi.devices())