elm-console icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
elm-console copied to clipboard

Elm library to read and write to the console in Node.

Elm Console Build Status

This library allows reading and writing from the console in Node. It is a replacement for maxsnew/IO, which is no longer updated.


An elm Program:

module Main where

import Console exposing (IO, (>>>), (>>=), forever, getLine, pure, exit, putStrLn)
import Task

import List
import Maybe
import String

echo : IO ()
echo = forever (getLine >>= putStrLn)

loop : IO ()
loop = getLine >>= \s ->
       if s == "exit"
       then pure ()
       else putStrLn s >>> loop
hello : IO ()
hello = putStrLn "Hello, Console!" >>>
        putStrLn "I'll echo your input until you say \"exit\":" >>>
        loop >>>
        putStrLn "That's all, folks!" >>>
        exit 0

port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = Console.run hello

link in some javascript and then run:

$ elm-make --yes test/Test.elm raw-test.js
$ ./elm-io.sh raw-test.js test.js
$ node test.js
Hello, Console!
I'll echo your input:
That's all, folks!

Design and Implementation

The implementation is based on the IOSpec haskell library.