TrinityCore-Single copied to clipboard
Custom TrinityCore server with NPCBots and my own patches singleplayer-oriented
Your project is cool,can you upgrade npcbot to latest tc version TrinityCore/TrinityCore@d7375ad33f9d23325346281c8635633db62521ac?
void Unit::_AddAura(UnitAura* aura, Unit* caster) { ASSERT(!m_cleanupDone); ......... Assertion message: e:\wow\trinitycore335\src\server\game\entities\unit\unit.cpp:3452 in Unit::_AddAura ASSERTION FAILED: !m_cleanupDone MapID: 530 X: -1233.38 Y: 7165.81 Z: 57.2652 O: 0.0628354 GUID Full: 0x0000000000000d1c Type:...
I like your patches and the AdaptiveLevel one of my favorite, but it's a bit outdated. Please refresh this is you have some time.