explain-pause-mode copied to clipboard
problem with password in shell
Seems to always happen for me
explain-pause version: 0.1
emacs version: 29.0.60
not top level in wrap-native for #<subr read-string>
#s(explain-pause-command-record root-emacs nil nil 7035 (25573 35504 951890 227000) nil nil nil nil 0)
explain-pause-report-measuring-bug("not top level in wrap-native for #<subr read-strin..." "current" #s(explain-pause-command-record :command root-emacs :native nil :parent nil :executing-time 7035 :entry-snap (25573 35504 951890 227000) :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 0))
explain-pause--wrap-native(#<subr read-string> #("[sudo] password for alan: " 0 26 (field output)) nil t nil nil)
apply(explain-pause--wrap-native #<subr read-string> (#("[sudo] password for alan: " 0 26 (field output)) nil t nil nil))
read-string(#("[sudo] password for alan: " 0 26 (field output)) nil t nil nil)
read-passwd(#("[sudo] password for alan: " 0 26 (field output)))
comint-send-invisible(#("[sudo] password for alan: " 0 26 (field output)))
#f(compiled-function (current-buf) #<bytecode 0xbcc9d23769a3ab4>)(#<buffer *shell*>)
apply(#f(compiled-function (current-buf) #<bytecode 0xbcc9d23769a3ab4>) #<buffer *shell*>)
timer-event-handler([t 25573 35504 951845 nil #f(compiled-function (current-buf) #<bytecode 0xbcc9d23769a3ab4>) (#<buffer *shell*>) nil 927000 nil])