
Results 381 comments of lassik

Moving finished recipes from issues into `.md` files in the repo would be ideal, since the repo keeps Git history, whereas there's no standardized history for a GitHub issue; if...

We could also use pull requests instead of issues to add the problems and solutions. * To add a new problem, submit a PR that adds a new `.md` file...

That way we would automatically get a Git history of all the edits to the cookbook, with the author of each edit clearly marked in Git, and we wouldn't have...

Yes. For new problems, we could have the discussion in the PR itself.

@jcubic What do you think about using PRs instead of issues to add/edit the cookbook?

How about: * Collect problems (questions) with issues * Collect solutions (answers) with PRs The first solution to a problem: * Creates a new `.md` file for the problem. *...

> If we will go with issues we can mark completed issues with a label. and generate files only for issues that have this label. We can close the completed...

The Chicken Scheme mailing list is very active. I'll ask them if they have tried running Chicken in GitHub actions. For uploading the files, we are simply using `rsync`, with...

Wait, here it is:

The GitHub API gives only open issues (not closed issues) with this syntax: `$user/$repo/issues?state=open` ...but if we use only PRs, we don't need it.