Lasse Jørgensen

Results 175 comments of Lasse Jørgensen

> The `sort()` method also accepts a callback function which you can use to randomize an array. To me, this sentence almost makes it sound like randomizing is the purpose...

I would suggest we change this sentence as well. > JavaScript offers the built-in `Math` utility which offers a number of mathematical tools. I wouldn't call it a utility, it...

> I suggest including the word `built-in` in the explanation for the campers to be clear, it is the _built-in_ function of JavaScript. It is a global object, built-in seems...

A form would be nice. I'm sure even if we make parts required some people will fill in random text just to get the submission to go through. But what...

I suggest we start by giving people the benefit of the doubt. You don't notice the people that do read the guidelines, you notice the people that didn't.

They should not have to ask questions they can find the answers for themselves and we shouldn't have to answer them if they can. It is just a checklist to...

Are you saying the modal isn't effective or that the checklist won't be as effective? How effective does it have to be? Do we have any actual analytics data about...

I would prefer if we allowed for an implicit return as well, even if we do not ask for it. It is still valid code and someone might write it...

Maybe it's just me but I think the challenge instructions are extremely terse. > Using arrow syntax, use addition assignment to set the `innerHTML` of `tasksContainer` to empty backticks. Maybe...

I would prefer if the explanation was more explicit about all hyphenated attribute values being camel case as properties. You might be able it infer it but I would prefer...