narwal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
narwal copied to clipboard

Thin Python 2.7 wrapper for reddit's API


narwal (sic) is a Python wrapper for reddit's API made to be simple, intuitive, and concise, i.e. pythonic. ::

>>> import narwal
>>> session = narwal.connect('narwal_bot', 'hunter2', user_agent="i'm a narw(h)al!")
>>> frontpage =
>>> for link in frontpage[:3]:
    ...   print link
    (3088) Words can not describe how much I love this pic of Obama and Clinton
    (1697) Rough day for a mom at the airport.
    (1370) I felt awful when this happened.
>>> frontpage[1].upvote()
<Response [200]>
>>> frontpage[1].comment('cool story bro')
<Comment [narwal_bot: cool story bro]>

See the docs at

Works with Python 2.7.


To install, just do the usual: ::

$ pip install narwal


Start a session: ::

>>> import narwal
>>> session = narwal.connect(user_agent='narwal demo')

Start a logged in session: ::

>>> session = narwal.connect('narwal_bot', 'password', user_agent='narwal demo')

Get the front page: ::

>>> page1 =

Get the next page: ::

>>> page2 = page1.more()

Get the fourth link's comments: ::

>>> comments = page1[3].comments()

Get the second link of r/test/top: ::

>>> link ='test')[1]

Submit a comment to it: ::

>>> comment = link.comment('the narwhal ba--')

Downvote the comment we just submitted: ::

>>> comment.downvote()
<Response [200]>

And reply to it: ::

>>> comment.reply('NO! *slap*')
<Comment [(1) narwal_bot: NO! *slap*]>

Check our inbox: ::

>>> inbox = session.inbox()

Read the first message: ::

>>> print inbox[0]
larryng: hi there

Get the sender's account info and submissions: ::

>>> user = session.user(inbox[0].author)
>>> user.submitted()
[<Link [(1) test post please ...]>]

Plus a whole lot more, since most of the reddit API has been implemented. See the API docs (or the source) for more features.