dotfiles copied to clipboard
config files for vim, tmux, bash, git, etc.
Larry Lv Dot Files
These are the config files to set up a machine the way I like it.
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
vim plugins & dependencies
brew install neovim
nvim +PlugInstall +qall
gem install ripper-tags
brew install fd fzf universal-ctags ripgrep
tmux & plugins
brew install tmux
other stuff
brew install autojump automake bash bash-completion bat ccat cloc \
cmake coreutils cowsay curl diff-so-fancy diffutils fmt gcc goenv \
golangci-lint grpc htop httperf httpie hugo jq mtr ncurses nodenv openjdk \
openjdk@11 pre-commit pstree pyenv rbenv readline reattach-to-user-namespace \
ruby ruby-build rust scala snappy source-highlight sqlite tig tldr \
tmuxinator-completion trash tree tree-sitter unrar urlview watchman webpack
brew install --cask alacritty diffmerge
gem install tmuxinator
# proximity-sort
cargo install proximity-sort