node-sdk copied to clipboard
larksuite open sdk for nodejs
不支持 deno
在代码里`import * as lark from "[email protected]";`执行时报错 ``` error: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/v128/[email protected]/denonext/axios.mjs' does not provide an export named 'AxiosError' at ([email protected]/denonext/node-sdk.mjs:3:74) ``` 好像是这个版本 axios 不支持 esm
背景 - 我要把导出的文件上传到别的地方 - 现在导出必须先保存到本地,然后再读取,再上传,有点麻烦 需求 - 能不能支持直接暴露文件流,我们自己控制?
An issue found in project `larksuite/node-sdk` used axios .8.1 through 1.5.1 inadvertently reveals the confidential XSRF-TOKEN stored in cookies by including it in the HTTP header X-XSRF-TOKEN for every request...
Fix contact API parameter `user_ids`'s type.
add a common custom adapter and a NextJS adapter. ```typescript // pages/api/webhook.ts import * as lark from '@larksuiteoapi/node-sdk'; const client = new lark.Client({ appId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', appSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', appType: lark.AppType.SelfBuild });...
support aily
const eventDispatcher = new lark.EventDispatcher({ encryptKey: '7jCsz9owNdZpIGG2EPosPdsfSRzPm3CO', }).register({ 'im.message.receive_v1': async (data) => { console.log(data, 'messageData'); const message = JSON.parse(data.message.content).text; console.log(message, 'message'); const payload = { prompt: message, } const response...
接口文档: 我试用了user_ids直接传数组,是不行的。最终传递的格式如下: 参考axios加了 `qs.stringify(params, { arrayFormat: 'repeat' })` 也没有用