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Tailwind scaffolding for the Laravel framework.

Results 7 jetstream issues
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This PR updates the Jetstream installer to automatically run the `npm install` and `npm run build` commands for you. Currently, the [Laravel installer]( automatically runs these commands when it installs...

This PR updates Jetstream so that it copies the Livewire components on installation to make it more like Breeze, and more like the Vue stack. I've placed them in `resources/views/components`...

Continuing from, this PR removes the "Jet" prefix from the component imports in the Vue stack to give users a better sense of ownership over the scaffolding. This does...

Update the Inertia stack to match the Breeze Vue components. See @jessarcher pull request in Breeze

This PR applies the same changes to Jetstream that applied to Breeze: - It adds the missing dark text variant for the nav links on the Vue Welcome page...

Currently, the Modal component uses a `` element as the root with the Teleport feature. A modal like this does not properly trap tabs, allowing the user to tab to...

This PR changes the to use a native dialog @cancel event instead of manually adding and removing document-level event listeners when the dialog is shown and dismissed. This also removes...