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cashier-stripe copied to clipboard

Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services.

Results 6 cashier-stripe issues
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These changes are a followup to the guest checkout PR here: These allow for a more richer Checkout experience and a more fluent one. You can now use any...

Hello i found that Cashier currently doesn't work with Embeddable Pricing Tables Currently, when the user creates a subscription with pricing tables, Stripe creates a new customer. Customer.subscription.created webhook...


Stripe has recently released a new embedded option for Stripe Checkout. Will Cashier be supporting this addition anytime soon?


The Cashier Stripe documentation is only explaining how to use the [Stripe UI]( Card Element, which is now marked as "Legacy". While the new Payment Element is not documented. It...


On May 1, 2024, Stripe is changing how cards saved during checkout are going to be made available during checkout for future purchases. It looks like a few new checkout...


I believe there's a real need from the community to store the subscription renewal date to display it to users or use for cron jobs. See: #361, #515, #874, #1054,...