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Twilio notifications channel for Laravel
What am I doing wrong here? .env: ``` TWILIO_SID=[Valid SID] TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=[Valid Token] TWILIO_NUMBER=[Valid Number] TWILIO_APPLICATION_SID=[Valid App SID] TWILIO_API_KEY=[Valid API Key] TWILIO_API_SECRET=[Valid API Secret] TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=[Valid Account SID] ``` Notification Class: ```php...
Laravel 8 using `"laravel-notification-channels/twilio": "^3.1",` .env file: ``` TWILIO_USERNAME= TWILIO_PASSWORD= TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=[redacted_but_valid] TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=[redacted_but_valid] TWILIO_FROM=[redacted_but_valid] TWILIO_ALPHA_SENDER= #TWILIO_SMS_SERVICE_SID=[redacted_but_valid] TWILIO_DEBUG_TO= TWILIO_PHONE_SID=[redacted_but_valid] ``` Notification class: ```php public function via ($notifiable) { return [TwilioChannel::class]; } public...
Versions: Laravel 9.0, latest version of this package. When sending a notification I git the "Unhandled match case"-error. It occurred in `Illuminate / Notifications / RoutesNotifications.php` on line 46. It's...
Can be used in Twilio Client like this: ```php new TwilioClient( env('TWILIO_USERNAME'), env('TWILIO_PASSWORD'), null, null, env('PROXY_URI') ? new CurlClient([CURLOPT_PROXY => env('PROXY_URI')]) : null ) ```
Twilio now supports sending TwiML along with the initial request to create a call, rather than needing an external url to fetch TwiML from. It would be nice to support...
Add method to override the to number through the message class
How we can get status for the undelivered message with error codes?
Hello, I'm using (Laravel v6, package version: 3.1.2) Using code like this sends the from name as String as needed, but using notification and TwilioChannel::class as channel sends the from...
i remove Application class in Provider to make it work with lumen
Useful if an application employs a "safe" or "nice" time to send notifications