tensorboardX copied to clipboard
cannot import name 'event_pb2'
Describe the bug When install from the source code by running python setup.py install, it shows that cannot import name 'event_pb2' when import tensorboardX. Running pip install -e . can solve this.
Minimal runnable code to reproduce the behavior
import tensorboardX
protobuf 3.7.1
tensorboard 1.10.0
tensorboardX 1.7+e932310
tensorflow 1.10.0
tensorflow-estimator 1.13.0
tensorflow-tensorboard 1.5.1
torch 1.1.0
torchvision 0.3.0
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Can't reproduce :( tested on MacOS, ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
have the same error. in tensorboardX/event_file_writer.py:
from .proto import event_pb2
but cannot find event_pb2. git log version:
it seems like that setup.py installation causes to delete tensorboardX/proto/event_pb2.py. git status:
modified: tensorboardX/__init__.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/attr_value_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/event_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/graph_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/layout_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/node_def_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/plugin_pr_curve_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/plugin_text_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/resource_handle_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/step_stats_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/summary_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/tensor_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/tensor_shape_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/types_pb2.py
deleted: tensorboardX/proto/versions_pb2.py
release v1.7 is ok
@1973Blunt I guess there are other error messages like "protobuf compilation error". Did you see that as well?
Same issue. I installed the newest version and built from the source code
@TomorrowIsAnOtherDay Can you show the result of pip list
along with all the error messages? Thanks
It seems to be the problem of an incompatible version of protobuf, and I have solved the problem by reinstalling it. Thanks for replying.
@TomorrowIsAnOtherDay Hi, current version should have a requirement of protobuf >= 3.6.1 during setup. It would be great if you can share how you fix the problem. (reinstall protobuf or reinstall tensorboardX or create new environment, etc.) Thanks
Same issue. I installed the version 1.8 and built from the source code.
The error messages:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 18, in
@padluo Because release v1.8 still have the patch I mentioned. Please remove old versions and install from source again.
i find the way to solve it. cannot use "pip install -e . " to install the environment. if you do so, the file 'event_pd2' will be deleted. you can unzip the zip file and find it in /tensorboardX/proto . copy it and solve or just use python setup.py install to install in first time.
Met the "cannot import name 'event_pb2'" issue, on jetson TX2 (arm platform);
I installed v1.8 and v1.9 from source, problem remained;
Using the v1.7 solved it, wish this could help.
Command is git clone --recursive --branch=v1.7 https://github.com/wqdun/tensorboardX.git