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PSSE parser to accept 'blanks' for transformer K parameter?

Open manuelma opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

In transformer blocks, the K parameter indicates the bus to which the third winding is connected. If the transformer is only two-windings, the parameter should be zero but somehow I got myself a .raw file where the value is simple ommited as seen below:

1021, 10204, ,1, , , , , , , 'XXXX' , 1, 2   / load
0.007, 0.367, 9999
0.9777, ,0, 9999, 9999, 63, 1, 10204, 1.034, 0.72, 1.09, 1.04, 16, , , 
 , ,

So to be correct, the first line should be more like 1021, 10204, 0,1, ...

When I try to parse, I get the below

ERROR: ArgumentError: input string is empty or only contains whitespace
  [1] tryparse_internal(#unused#::Type{Int64}, s::SubString{String}, startpos::Int64, endpos::Int64, base_::Int64, raise::Bool)
    @ Base ./parse.jl:109
  [2] parse(::Type{Int64}, s::SubString{String}; base::Nothing)
    @ Base ./parse.jl:241
  [3] parse
    @ ./parse.jl:241 [inlined]
  [4] _parse_pti_data(data_io::FilteredIO)
    @ PowerModels ~/.julia/packages/PowerModels/kU7PK/src/io/pti.jl:708
  [5] parse_pti(io::FilteredIO)
    @ PowerModels ~/.julia/packages/PowerModels/kU7PK/src/io/pti.jl:890
  [6] #parse_psse#1230
    @ ~/.julia/packages/PowerModels/kU7PK/src/io/psse.jl:866 [inlined]
  [7] parse_psse
    @ ~/.julia/packages/PowerModels/kU7PK/src/io/psse.jl:865 [inlined]
  [8] #9
    @ ~/Codes/spine/Network_Prune/psse_to_spine.jl:40 [inlined]
  [9] open(f::var"#9#11", args::String; kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
    @ Base ./io.jl:330
 [10] open
    @ ./io.jl:328 [inlined]
 [11] psse_to_spine(psse_path::String, db_url::String)
    @ Main ~/Codes/spine/Network_Prune/psse_to_spine.jl:38
 [12] top-level scope
    @ REPL[13]:1

which makes sense because of this: https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl/blob/cbce39778bfeaefdbde90e07220ee3bc36f8f33d/src/io/pti.jl#L707

The question is, should the parser handle empty values for the K parameter as if they were zero, so my file would pass?

manuelma avatar Sep 08 '22 12:09 manuelma

@manuelma, thanks for your bug reports. Can you check what the header of your .raw file says the format version is? So far we have only supported v33, so newer raw files may have features that are un-tested or break our parser.

In this case, it is probably likely that we can support it but I'll need to test the possible fix.

ccoffrin avatar Sep 08 '22 16:09 ccoffrin

Hi folks… here is a link to a zip archive that contains the raw files in question : https://www.eirgridgroup.com/site-files/library/EirGrid/Study-files.zip

DillonJ avatar Sep 12 '22 14:09 DillonJ

Thank you @ccoffrin for the help and @DillonJ for the files. I can't see any information regarding the format version in the files, though... @ccoffrin I could submit a PR if that helps?

manuelma avatar Sep 13 '22 06:09 manuelma