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A Julia/JuMP Package for Power Network Optimization

Results 111 PowerModels.jl issues
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Based on discussion with @mlubin and @blegat, the best longterm strategy is to implement all formulations in PowerModels using MOI's SOC and RSOC constraints. Bridges then can be used to...

JuMP v0.19

Explore if adding support for polynomial costs into `objective_variable_pg_cost` (and similar functions) can be used to simplify the implementation of the objective functions. Adding special cases in the PWL logic...

Add support for polynomial cost functions. Could also be addressed as part of https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl/issues/778

Explore removing support for this or seeing if it should become part of the JuMP standard. ``` # enables support for v[1] Base.getindex(v::JuMP.VariableRef, i::Int) = v ```

I am running a 34-bus distribution dataset through the opf function, and I am getting a feasible result. However, when I run the same dataset through the pf function, the...

v0.10.0 @JuliaRegistrator register()

Explore updating applicable constraints to their two-sided versions. For example see, https://github.com/lanl-ansi/rosetta-opf/commit/b67fd0ee908920730447b342f37ff74074fc8d79

Juniper should be supporting MI-SDP now so this is a viable model to build and test. Start by getting the `AbstractWRConicModel` models working and then explore `AbstractWRMModel`. OTS seems like...

This solver may be more stable than SCS for tests.

As per discussion in https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl/pull/797, these changes are proposed for the next breaking release (but still open for discussion): - PF methods will use generator voltage set points for determining...