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Templates for monographs, papers, and edited volumes


These templates are the ready-to-use LaTeX sources to compile Language Science Press publications. They can be obtained as packed .zip files from our website or the gh-pages branch.

The templates in this GitHub repository work with TeX Live 2020 and up to date CTAN sources.

Which files should I use?

This depends on your role:

  • If you are the author for a monograph, you need the monograph skeleton in the /skeleton/ folder.
  • If you are an editor for a collection of papers, you need the monograph for edited volumes from /editedskeleton/ folder. Feel free to supply your contributing authors with a copy of the /paper/ folder, which they can use to write their paper.
  • If you are a contributing author in a collection of papers, you'll need the /paper/ folder structure.

How do I compile the sources?

There are some recipes in the Makefile. For most purposes, it suffices to compile main.tex with XeLaTeX, then compiling the bibliography with biber (run on file main), and compiling main.tex with XeLaTeX again so that the bibliography and ToC appear.

Where do I enter my meta data?

Here is an overview. These settings are for skeleton and editedskeleton only. The meta data for paper are inserted directly in main.tex.

File Setting Meaning
main.tex \addbibresource{<file.bib>} The location of your bibliographical database. The recommended file name is localbibliography.bib.
main.tex option multiauthors Enable this option if there is more than one editor/author.
main.tex option booklanguage=<language> Set this option if you are writing in another language than English. Currently supported are: chinese, french, german, portuguese. Please get in touch if you need another.
localmetadata.tex \title The book's title of either monograph or collected volume.
localmetadata.tex \subtitle The book's subtitle of either monograph or collected volume.
localmetadata.tex \author The name of all contributing author(s) or editor(s). Individuals are separated by and. Please see this Wiki page for details.
localmetadata.tex \BackBody The blurb displayed on the back cover.
localmetadata.tex \Series The shorthand of the series you are publishing your book in.
localseealso.tex Recipes for links in the Indexes.

Where can I get technical support?

The Support Contact details are listed on our website.