Landry Breuil
Landry Breuil
mapstore has a REST API to manage documents, dunno if some "superuser" of some kind can manipulate any user documents.
dont you dare removing `uid` :) it's used .. everywhere in the LDAP and in everything that connects to it.
> * all actions he was subject of are being deleted that would go against being able to figure out what happened to an account ..... which was (partly) the...
mapstore has a "download layer" button which uses WPS iirc for reprojection/format.
maybe it should be closed only when the code is removed from the repo :)
also with #3814 merged
GN geopublisher uses 404 and returns json such as: ``` {"message":"GeoPublisherException","code":"not_found","description":" Layer 'CAPI' not found in mapserver. Try to publish it? Status code is 404."} ``` meant to be consumed...
btw, found out while debugging georchestra/geonetwork#212
thinking out loud, maybe queries on "/geonetwork/xxx/api" shouldnt be intercepted by the S-P - or at least should get the proper content passed, instead of the jsp. And maybe the...
same thing for a 403, this causes bad behaviour in mapstore cf georchestra/mapstore2-georchestra#274