Landry Breuil
Landry Breuil
as for my last commit [240abbb]( the goal is to fix a buglet i that was in the previous implem: - if you have a toplevel layer with a metadataurl,...
on the several things i learnt so far wrt running tests: - not really possible to run ms2 tests from the MapStore2 submodule of ms2-georchestra - much better to separately...
@offtherailz i'm trying to add two testcases, but they're failing because they timeout. Should the tests be self-contained, eg they're forbidden to reach outside and fetch XML files, and the...
yeah, that helps thanks - in the meantime i'm resorting to good'ol `console.log` debugging, since i dont build on localhost nor use chrome. extra tip: for console.log output to show...
yeah, that helps thanks - in the meantime i'm resorting to good'ol `console.log` debugging, since i dont build on localhost nor use chrome. extra tip: for console.log output to show...
well, whatever i'm doing is probably wrong, because with this test: ``` it('getMetadataRecordById-mapserver-TC211', (done) => { testEpic(getMetadataRecordById, 1, initAction(), (actions) => { actions.filter( ({type}) => type === "LAYERS:SHOW_LAYER_METADATA").map(({metadataRecord}) => {...
my understanding of the test failure is that regardless of having a local url for the GetCapabilities, ``` it('getMetadataRecordById-mapserver-TC211', (done) => { testEpic(getMetadataRecordById, 1, initAction(), (actions) => { actions.filter( ({type})...
@offtherailz please look at [77e4046]( and tell me what i'm doing wrong. from my understanding of what the debugger shows, the codepaths parsing the capabilities in the method aren't taken.
right, thanks for that. Anyway, the test itself sucks, since it shouldnt check for `{}` but for a real returned value, and i dont understand why the methods/promises aren't properly...
what im trying to explain is that at runtime, the various codepaths added are properly taken/tested, but from the testing environment something bails out/exits early/something else, and the method doesn't...