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when you don't have the balls to test your F5 BIG-IP iRules directly in production
For some iRules which interact with multiple events (`HTTP_REQUEST` -> `HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE` -> `HTTP_RESPONSE`), some variables can be set (sample: to store some states) and reused in events coming after the...
As documented for [getfield](https://clouddocs.f5.com/api/irules/getfield.html), it splits a string on a character **or string**. Currently the TesTcl implementation does the split only on character because [split](https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/split.html) is only on *chars*: https://github.com/landro/TesTcl/blob/bd55ca92353b08cd02782458af378f074243984a/src/global.tcl#L123-L127
First of all, thanks for your work. TesTcl is wonderful for accelerating & testing F5 iRules 😍. A common practice in CI pipelines is to fail build when tests are...
As documented here: https://clouddocs.f5.com/api/irules/virtual.html Currently I am using ``` on virtual name return foo on virtual foo return "" ``` But then I cannot check that the virtual server is...
HTTP::uri and HTTP::path have an optional "-normalized" flag. It would be nice if TesTcl supported them.
I created a Docker Image for TesTcl to simplify the installation process for new users. It is available here https://hub.docker.com/r/frundh/testcl/ & https://github.com/frundh/testcl-docker Is this something that should be transferred to...
New feature idea. Error checking according to K23237429 [K23237429: TCL error: ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED after upgrade to version 14.1.0 or later](https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K23237429) After version 14.1.0 the new error `01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/ -...
Are there any plans to implement linting of the test files? sort of like: * every `it "should" {}` block should contain a `run` command * every `it "should" {}`...